The Admin Solutions

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by DriveHosting, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Nothing is set in stone yet, just something we've been talking about. If it happens it won't be using XenForo, but Burning Board 4.1
    SneakyDave likes this.
  2. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Can't wait to see the GTB and Mark.B show, I'll buy a premium membership. <Throws money at the screen>
  3. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Guess it's not, judging by Mark's post above.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    He's such a spoilsport, but knew it would get him to post here out of lurking. :D
  5. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    Turns out it was Gary's idea of a wind up but he didn't ask me first. I can't have such a rumour doing the rounds, for obvious reasons, sorry.
  6. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    Well, now I'm going away again. For reasons already made clear previously, I want nothing further to do with any of the admin sites whatsoever. That's here, TAZ, or anywhere else.

    So I'll bid you all good day and wish you the best with your sites.
  7. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Oh well :)

    All joking aside, I do agree that there is room for a dedicated admin forum - but I don't think it's possible without all the baggage that goes along with it these days.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Mark brought it up first on his forum, which I agreed looking around at how others are currently doing. I do think there's room for a new one to do well, but also agree with Mark "again" that it can't be one using XenForo. There's too many of them around and "it's nothing new and different". I wouldn't contemplate starting a new admin forum, not on my own at least. It would need to be with a partner if interested in doing it, but don't have time to run one, not with the amount of time needed to put into running one.
  9. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    This is my stance -- I just wouldn't contemplate it at all. There's just too much fighting and bickering between the users of the different software.
  10. AzzidReign

    AzzidReign Regular Member

    With Andy and friends, this site should be better off than the previous owners and TAZ. Andy has been in the game for some time and has a wealth of knowledge (and all his friends). Most of the people that know anything about building and running a site (properly might I add) are now going to be posting here.

    So, you could either go and get help for your site where the blind are leading the blind, or you can get help from people who have made it their business/life.

    I don't think there is any more room for a new admin site. The current ones are all pretty desolate...
  11. BamaStangGuy

    BamaStangGuy Administrator

    This thread is about @DriveHosting new forum. Please keep it that. I'm tired of certain members constantly hijacking threads and making it about them.
    DriveHosting likes this.
  12. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    @DriveHosting We know each other from TAZ :)

    For starters...
    1. Some of the comments above were unnecessarily aggressive. Idk if it is a rip-off of TAZ....and tbh i don't really care lol Most admin forums have popped up to try and replicate TAZ anwyway and look at where most of them are now.

    2. I strongly want a viable alternative to TAZ....Be it here or TAS or anywhere that provides a good place to learn and build connections with other admins WITHOUT the constant nepotism and bias. So i wish you well(As I do Atalk) to do what I hope can be done as the admin niche certainly could use more quality choices other than a fanboy haven.

    (And I Agree with @GTB about it not running Xenforo.)

    On to my opinion about the site

    1. I strongly dislike that theme. Not against you, i just don't like that particular Audentio theme. It just seems so busy to me and a lot happening at once.

    Not to mention the scrolling seems weird to me imo.

    2. Anyway to make this Darker?

    I think the site has a lot of potential. I am not sure what it is you are doing behind the scenes and it really is none of my business. But While @Azhria lilu was a tad overboard with the criticisms and coming off aggressive, aggression aside there was a good point there. I know how difficult is for me to want to add a ton of admins for my own site because i have a lot of things I am doing/want to do but my site really doesn't require as many mods/admins as I had before(especially since most are crap anyway).

    I think spending more time on creating content is what you should be focused on. Not worrying about finding staff. Make this site something that looks less like someone attempting to do yet another Admin forum and more of a Viable choice to make people want to join the site by having some great quality content.

    You already sort of are kind of at a negative because it is YET Another Xenforo admin forum, when there are those plenty. I am completely burned out on Xenforo admin forums.

    Being that you are yet another forum running xenforo with your admin site, you'll have to work just as hard to differentiate your site and give it is unique flow.

    TAZ has it's legacy.
    Admin Talk has the new potential ofowner Andy R and @BamaStangGuy to bring some new creativity to the site...Whether that happens idk but it does seem like Bama at least is more active than previous owners were with adding content.

    So what is TAS unique thing to set it apart from all the other Xenforo admin forums? And admin forums in general?
    What would make someone want to join and be apart of the Haven you created?

    I am asking that rhetorically and Not saying it to be harsh...Just questions to think about.
    It's questions I am asking myself about my own site.

    Hopefully i wasn't too harsh :) I have a tendency of meaning well and coming out very blunt since i have a caustic personality :P
    But that skin really does bug the crap out of me lol. Definitely could use something different...
  13. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Only, there was no aggression at all. Whatever aggression you read - both here and in the other thread - is in your own mind. I was blunt, and to the point and critical. Aggressive, nope.
    AzzidReign likes this.
  14. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    From our recent conversation, I couldn't get much information on what you were looking for here:

    Are you looking for Microsoft hardware reviewers (who aren't bloggers), as well as admins and mods?

    Knowing your history of copying things on your hosting site, I did a simple search, and found that you request for writers looks exactly like this page:

    The finger shakers and naysayers will state that you copying that content isn't a big deal, but it appears you have a habit of it.

    I would suggest writing your own requests for paid helpers.
    Azhria lilu likes this.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    It's a shame some are only interested in turning this topic into a Witch Hunt about another persons forum....
  16. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Of course.

    I asked multiple times about these paid positions on said forum. So I go about searching what the going rate was for these paid reviews, blogs, or whatever they're supposed to be. Then I respond with what I found, and some advice.

    If you only want glowing reviews, and no questions allowed, admins should add requirement to the top of every thread.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2014
  17. Terry

    Terry Regular Member

    Hope this time it is for good ..
    Autopilot, AzzidReign and SneakyDave like this.
  18. Andy R

    Andy R Lurker Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    It makes sense for forum folks to start forums on forums. The thing I don't understand is that there seems to be very little money in forums for forum owners yet people build new ones all the time. I bought this site simply because they banned me on TAZ and the same week I hear this one was for sale. I didn't pay much for the site because it doesn't make any money. If I were launching a new forum I'd do some research on topics that monetized well and target those.

    As for the site being discussed here, The Admin Solutions, it looks fine to me, I'm a fan of XF. I do think it's a bit tacky to post about it in a promotional way on a competing site but we aren't going to remove the content or ban you for that (unlike the policy at some other sites). Hopefully the back link will provide a little SEO juice...
  19. we_are_borg

    we_are_borg Regular Member

    Well a forum about forums can be nice but it takes lots of hard and long work hours to get the best out of this. You need content good content that draws in people, but you also need to network see if you can get companies in that allow early access to new stuff so you can be the first to report tell about it that means even more hard work. The payment will be very low because you can only run ads that have meaning to this niche and access to better stuff you will need to give them ad space but still be impartial and fair to the software you have access to.

    As for discussion what forum software you need to run it does not matter because if you do not have any clue what software it runs and is heavenly modified it will look and feel differently.
  20. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    This thread is starting to feel very tazish(Interesting when you consider some of the people involved lol)

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