The Admin Solutions

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by DriveHosting, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member


    Name of site - The Admin Solutions
    Link to forum -
    Genre: Server Administration-Forum Administration
    Forum Software- XenForo
    Total number of posts the forum has received: 257
    Seeking - Supervisor- Overall Forum Administrator
    Global Moderator- Full forum moderator
    Moderator- Partial forum moderator
    Paid Position: No volunteer
    If Paid, How Much - None
    Why are you requesting staff: General query.
    Additional Information: None
    How do you wish to be contacted - Email - [email protected]
  2. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Too many forums, not enough posts. And staffed by prominent TAZ staff members, which is bizarre.

    Logo is awful - "the" is a swirly font, and the tag line is grainy. "The Admin Solutions" doesn't even make sense, grammatically. It would be The Admin Solution or Admin Solutions.. but not "The Admin-Solutions - and that's even ignoring the fact that you have Admin-Solutions hyphenated. . . who does that?

    Got to ask why you're asking for three staff members for a forum with barely any members or posts yet.
  3. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Actually 3 staff = myself 1 developer and 1 administrator.

    Grammatically the URL is correct also where is the corrective critism in this?? Just asking.
  4. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Two of which are TAZ staff members - so my statement still stands. Or maybe you misread, since I asked why you're asking for three staff members

    Or is that not what you're asking for there? Why would you want three more staff members on a forum that only has 13 members - three of whom are already staff members and one appears to be a test account.

    Grammatically, the sentence structure is not correct - I said nothing of the URL. My criticism would be that it just sounds like you're trying to make a play on the TAZ abbreviation with TAS - but that's up to you. I have no horse in that race.
  5. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Actually to whome it may concern both of those administrators are developers and are paid by me so its there job TAZ has nothing to do with that.

    And simply because I want them = 3 more staff we have a lot going on atm on TAS believe it or not most of it is behind the scenes that is the reason we need 3 more.
  6. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    I never said their jobs have anything to do anything - it was merely an observation.

    You're very defensive, but there is never any need for 6 staff when you have only 9 members.

    But forgetting all that, for a moment. Answer a serious question - what can you offer that the multitude of admin sites already available don't already (other than a crap logo and rip off of the TAZ acronym).
  7. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Any site that has the word "the" in it, is doing it wrong, in my opinion.

    I'd like to be a reviewer on the site, please let me know how much moolah I can expect.
  8. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    So why you defending TAZ for? Anyone would think you had a hand in the site the way you're defending it against this new one. And what does it matter how they run the forum to you?

    @SneakyDave And next time you want to reply to a topic on my forum Dave, try joining (or posting it as a guest even), seeing as I allow guest posts. Instead of using the "Contact Us" forum form for me to update the topic for you, typical... you lot must think I'm stupid.
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2014
  9. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Defending TAZ? Nahhh. As I said I have no horse in the race - I just find it a bit close... don't you? TAS.. TAZ... quite laughable, really. And I'm as entitled to my opinion as anyone else, surely.
  10. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I find it odd you're so quick going on the defensive, even being quite nasty with your comments about another admin forum pointing out similarities with TAZ. When you so called hate TAZ, and Howard.
  11. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    Well simply like I said we have a load of development in the making and to be honest its even a lot to keep up with, with myself and 2 developers and as for what we have to offer that others do not well I guess you'll just have to see when we roll the updates out.
  12. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Of course you do :)
  13. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Judgement is generally based on what can be seen. If your site wasn't ready to take public, with everything it has to offer (baring small updates) it wasn't time to showcase or advertise it. What I see, right now, is nothing I can't get here or on any other admin site that's available. If you're serious about making a success of this forum, you need to stand out from the crowd and, so far, you're not doing that.
  14. DriveHosting

    DriveHosting Regular Member

    well it kind of sucks I did not start this thread for people to tell me how to open and run my forum with that being said you have a good day
    GTB likes this.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    At the moment, and me and Mark.B was only talking about this other day. There's room for a new admin forum right now to come along and do well, another might be coming soon run joint by me and Mark.
    Superboy likes this.
  16. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    I didn't join your forum and post there because you seem to have a habit of deleting your site's content every six months or so, obviously that has happened just recently. I don't have anything against you, but I noticed there was a question on your site about the status of the lawsuit of the century, so I sent you a link to the latest status, which wasn't on any admin related site, or even one of my sites. I'm not sure what connection you're making there.

    No worries, I won't abuse that contact form again. :thumbsup:

    Can't wait to see you and Mark.b's forum. Should be a blast
    AzzidReign likes this.
  17. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    LOL not able to handle criticism and feedback - noted.
  18. Azhria lilu

    Azhria lilu Regular Member

    I think you're right in that there is room for a decent admin forum. Maybe Admin Talk will be revitalised now it's got new owners. If you and Mark do go ahead, I wish you luck.
  19. SneakyDave

    SneakyDave Lurker

    Maybe you should just ask the thread to be locked right after creating it next time. Weren't you the one that didn't like the posts about your drivehosting site on TAZ, that you removed the critical posts yourself, and then Howard removed you as staff?

    How much money are you offering for posting reviews and such?
  20. Mark.B

    Mark.B Regular Member

    I'm going to have to log in and post this I'm afraid. I'm not returning but Gary's comment needs to be clarified.

    Under no circumstances am I considering starting an admin forum, either with Gary or without.

    This discussion came about on my demo board:

    I said:
    There's a clear market for someone to come in and do admin forums properly.
    Not with XenForo as the software.
    Employing moderators who don't moderate according to their own personal opinion
    Not tolerating abuse and trolling
    But it would require money, dedication and time.

    Gary then posted this:
    Why not start an admin forum then. I'd be willing to help you out on it when I can with posts.

    I then replied:
    Haven't the time. Plus, as I said, it needs to be someone from outside, with no baggage. I'd hardly be seen as impartial.

    Quite how that equates to "At the moment, and me and Mark.B was only talking about this other day. There's room for a new admin forum right now to come along and do well, another might be coming soon run joint by me and Mark." I have no idea.

    So to be absolutely clear: I'm not starting an admin forum. Not interested. At all.

    Now, I'll disappear again. But that rumour just had to be scotched quickly and cleanly.
    Azhria lilu likes this.

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