How about a thanks button to thank members for useful info and good posts..? we have them on about all our forums....members luv it.
If you are saying to add one will notice in the bottom right of the postbit. "Did you find this post helpful?" That is the same thing. Use that
Thats ok...but our thanks tab/button leaves the members name in the botom bar within the post like this one here>>>> P.v.a. Versus Primers...... - | Tile Forums | Tiling Forum scroll down and see every members name who has thanked.... just a thought..
hah I know what a thanks button does They opted for this. I actually think there my be a thread about it.
We prefer the current system over the Post Thanks system. The current one is more professional and more suitable for a site like this, in my opinion. The Post Thanks add-on is great and I use it on another forum, but as I said, I think the Helpful Posts one that we currently use is better for a site like this.