Hi folks, Due to a faulty (and crucial) hardware component causing a ruckus, we experienced a tremendous amount of downtime last evening and had to make the move over to another machine within our private network. As this component chose to fail (ultimately putting an unnatural amount of stress on our machine) without warning, we were unable to make the community aware of the situation beforehand. Because of this, I do apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please note that a period of propagation is currently in effect and as such, may cause intermittent periods of inaccessibility. We have successfully migrated our data over to the new machine and everything appears to be functioning correctly. Please make us aware of any errors and/or bugs that you may run across. Thank you.
Thank you for looking out for us, Chris. It's a good thing you were online when it happened! :killpc:
My ISP takes a hell of a lot to update, I'm on a proxy at the moment, I like this proxy! It allows me to post! Thank you for the quick action guys!
Your ISP still hasn't propagated? That really stinks. And I never would have thought to use a proxy to get around it. Good thinking!
I'm glad to hear that it's running smoothly for you guys. One of the unlucky members, eh? Shame on your ISP.
My ISP stinks, (EFF YOU SPRINT),I have so much trouble with it. I like this proxy, I wish I could have found it earlier.