Hi all, Most of you that are reading this are admins of some board or another so this may not apply to you. However, some of you may not be comfortable with modding your board/updating and other Technical Duties. I am offering to become your Tech Admin. Why you ask? Simply because I am bored (no pun) these days. I run a (almost) dead board over at www.dausa.info. It started as a clan base for a gaming site. Within 2 weeks we had over 60 members. The clan changed leadership and we were reduced to about 20 active members (and we deactivated the old accounts). Since then, about 15 of them became un-active and the new clan leader got sick. The clan has pretty much fallen apart. And so, I am board. I know a fair amount about phpBB3.X series. I also learn new systems VERY fast. To be honest, it took me about 1 week to install, mod, tweak, and in general set-up the board to where it is now. Before that week, I knew nothing about BB Systems. Of course, I used the documentation and support sites at phpBB.com ALOT to learn all this, but I can also figure this stuff out to a certain extent. I work as a PC Tech Support Guy during the day. For example,I created a custom 404 page that keeps the general theme of the site. Without a real working knowledge of HTML. (I know a little) A couple of other things that I did was install: (at first) Flashchat and (second) Cometchat and mod it to the members satisfaction. I have also install arcades systems, styles, spell checkers, custom icons, custom headers, tapatalk, custom regisration agreement, and much more. Feel free to PM me for a more comprehensive list. I am probably the only one who likes the permission system in phpBB3 I also know a fair amount about vBulletin. And I have used almost every single board system out there (not always from a admin view-point) And yes, I am offering this for free. 1 because it help me learn more. 2 because I like to mod. Please no offers on really small boards that are dying fast. And yes, I am not perfect, but I am good enough that I won't crash the site for hours on end because of a bad mod. It may take me longer then a experienced Tech Admin to complete a request, but it will get done!
I applaud your ambitious offer. There is definitely a need for someone like you for many forums, and in time you could make a few $. : ) Good luck!
If I needed your services, I'd feel inclined to pay you, just because you're offering services for free. To say the least, good look with your endeavors.
MordyT -- I suggest you have resume ready and have it available via PM, for starters. In your OP, you might want to add some more technical attributes, since that (from how I read it) is the type role you are striving for. Some concrete examples, just enough to demonstrate such attributes. I think it's a great offer and finding that right match is what counts.
o.o... phpBB=/=CMS...phpBB=Forum Software. I find it funny you have a board that is dying yet you don't want to help small boards who might only need a tech admin to help them out a bit.
I'll be honest and get straight to the point. People look for trust over anything and a tech admin is probably the area where you have to trust the person more than most areas of staff because you normally have access to cpanel, ftp, and other high accessible areas. I'm not saying you are not trustworthy I'm sure your a genuine guy but I will advise that you check the background with anyone if you plan on giving such high access to people you don't know. Like I said, nothing against you but people who are debating whether to take you up on your offer need to be informed of this and check every angle out.
Thank you for the positive feedback. I will defiantly compose a resume. I have also added some details in the OP of what I have done. Good catch - I didn't see I had written CMS, I was tired and thought I wrote BB software. As far as helping out small boards: I think you misunderstood me. I have no problem becoming a Tech Admin for a small board - as long as it is not a small board that WILL go to waste no matter what. A board that has 20 members and only one of them logs in every month does no need to have an arcade installed, it needs to get the attention of more poeple. If the board needs a Tech Admin in order to stay afloat, I would be then happy to offer my skills and assistance. Even if it has 5 members - as long as those members care about the board staying alive, I have no problem in fixing them up/helping them out in way they need it. What I am trying to avoid is pouring hours into a board, making it look really nice, and then the owner deletes the board because it is unused. Agreed! 100% you need to trust your tech admin almost above the rest of your staff. There is not much I can do about this except offer references. I am a staff member of a very Big Board (over 300,000 members) and a member of quite a few other boards. In addition, members of the board I run can also provide some insight as to whom I am. And if someone is really that concerned, I would be open to a face to face meeting.
I'm looking for a Tech admin who I can trust and can help me get a once very popular forum back up and running, so Mordy if you are those things and if you are as good as you say you are I may just be able to use you. You can email or PM about the details if you are interested.
Ok, to date... I have set up NCIS Fans Forum using SMF 2.0RC2 I am setting up Outdoor-Fishing using SMF 2.0RC2 (I was thrown a huge curveball that ending up being cause by mod_security). Today it got fixed... I also set up for a gaming clan RvO Clan Forums also using SMF2 RC2, but the owner of the clan disappeared...along with his old site... I am starting to really like SMF.... I asked Travis (owner of NCISFANs) to leave a testimonial here...