
Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by benjaminp, Apr 7, 2012.

  1. benjaminp

    benjaminp Regular Member

    Has tapatalk been disabled? I've not been able to access the forum on it for a little while now. The exact amount of days completely escape me, but I'd say 4-7.
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I need to update the plugin.
    I should have it done by the end of this weekend.
  3. benjaminp

    benjaminp Regular Member

    Excellent :)

    Even when I'm away from the computer I'm addicted to forums. Pretty sad I know hehe
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I understand, I'm always checking the forums via tapatalk too.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Tapatalk has been installed & updated.
    You can now auto tweet or auto Facebook your updates.
  6. DarkGizmo

    DarkGizmo Mr. Awesome

    That's awesome. Great edition to the community! Hopefully the auto tweeting and auto FB updates will help gain some activity!
  7. MikeG

    MikeG Regular Member

    Doesn't the Tapatalk app cost money, though?

    Not too big on paying to access a forum in a mobile friendly format, to be honest.
  8. WEfail

    WEfail Regular Member

    I dropped tapatalk from 2 of my sites today. Not a fan of that app.
  9. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    If I can get my skin to be responsive, I will follow with this removal of tapatalk.
  10. Carlos

    Carlos Regular Member

    I'll wait for xenForo's in-house mobile solution before dropping Tapatalk. I see some users using it, but is reluctant of using it to post.
  11. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    I just had an issue with tapatalk not recognizing my forum. Uninstalled.
  12. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've been using it for years and have had very few issues with it. ;)
  13. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Same here. It's light years ahead of Forum Runner from what my members say.
    Brandon likes this.
  14. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I've updated taptalk on admin-talk again
    I thought we had a thread about tapatalk updates already, but couldn't find it

    on another note, we may get access to their new branded app
    I was contacted on Twitter, I'll update you as I find out more info

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