
Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by duhneiz, Aug 18, 2009.

  1. duhneiz

    duhneiz Newcomer

    anyone have their board intergrated with tapatalk?
    Tapatalk - Online Community at your fingertips!
    its really nice... it allows them to access your board from an app through the itunes store on their iphone.. the layout is way better than the iphone optimized versions of vb out there
  2. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    I have not installed it. I don't own an iPhone and am leery of installing something that I can't test first.
  3. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Sounds pretty cool, I need to take a serious look at this. Some of my members have asked about remote access to the forum, such as from a mobile phone.
  4. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    Tapatalk only supports the iPhone so if that is what your user's want than it seems like a good idea. Most people I know access the internet from the Blackberry, LG and Palm phones.

    One has to keep in mind that there are only 30-40 million iPhone users worldwide. That is a very small percentage of the Internet Population.
  5. David

    David Regular Member

    It looks like it acts like an RSS reader? Can people respond to the topics and such with it?
  6. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    I'm actually browsing with an LG Vu and I have another LG touch screen phone. I think a lot me the phones that are coming out are becoming more popular than the iPhone, it's usually wanted by adolescents and young adults, other prefer the functionability of a Blackberry.
  7. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I've thought about this one because I know I have a few members with iPhones, but considering I'd already installed support for mobile users and they have never once clicked an ad in the thousands and thousands of pages they've viewed, I can't see paying to support it.
  8. duhneiz

    duhneiz Newcomer

    how big is ur board?
  9. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    thats what most people I know have also.. I personally use a Palm treo and my work Blackberry.
  10. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    You say that like it's a small number. It is, in fact far from a small number. The iPhone is used by a very large number of individuals for a very large number of reasons. Myself? I use it to replace the need to carry an ipod AND a phone on long(er) trips. Not to mention, of course, the ease of use.

    Yes, this has (almost) the full capabilities of a browser. Later versions allow for registration, as well as replying to threads, which have been in for a while.

    Tapatalk is free for the forum owner, and the app itself is a very quick install. It's a simple upload and fill in some form details and bam you're in.

    For the end user, the app costs $3, which I find very reasonable. Sure, the forum owner doesn't get any part of that price, but the developer has to be paid for their work somehow, right?

    To answer the original question of "do you have it installed"? Absolutely, on 2/3 forums . The 3rd one is being revived over time, so I haven't done a lot of addon stuff there, but once it gets built back up, I'll add it there as well.
  11. Wayne Luke

    Wayne Luke Regular Member

    The are are over 2 billion cellphones being used around the world today. 40 million iPhones is less than 2% of cellphone users. 2% market penetration is a very small percentage even if the number seems large at first glance.

    My point is, most forum owners would be better off spending their time implementing a more generic mobile style that can work on a wide variety of phones instead of focusing on 2% of potential mobile users. They can focus on 100% of those mobile users with a true mobile style. After that is accomplished, they can work on niche markets like the iPhone if they see a benefit.

    Of course if the forum is dedicated to iPhones, they should probably consider this application.

    Please note the numbers above reflect Apple's iPhone OS devices which include the iPod Touch. The Touch has limited remote internet capabilities and relies on wifi to connect.
  12. duhneiz

    duhneiz Newcomer

    the site i admin on..
    there is an iphone optimized version (as well as tapatalk)
    there is a bberry optimized version as well as a sidekick one
    most devices can use the bberry one and still look fine
  13. Tubeget

    Tubeget Novice

    I think its better to design a custom skin with only css ..and we can redirect the users using mobile phones by detecting the user agent...
    also there's some kind of support for smart phones :D
    also this is an example js for detecting the user-agent
    if ((navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPhone') != -1) || 
    (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('iPod') != -1)) { 
    document.location = "http://www.yoursite.com/forum/iphone-optimisied-skin/";   
  14. torque

    torque Regular Member

    I don't own an i-phone I spend my money on paid vbulletin mods i normally have installed on my site for a month then don't use them again I have so many it's not funny!
  15. David

    David Regular Member

    according to latest figures, the BlackBerries would still be better to optimize your site for over other phones if you wanted to drill it down to a specific niche. BB users market share is growing rapidly, and has 3 of the top 5 selling smart phones.

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