Tables acting weird

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Diesel, Jan 9, 2001.

  1. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Don't know if anyone else is experiencing this, but on occasion, the tables are coming out very weirdly.
    Sometimes the user column is very narrow, and sometimes very wide.
    There have been times where I've had to scroll my window over to be able to read the post because the message column is compressed into an inch-wide column.

    A page refresh usually resolves the issue, but I've been noticing the issue with more frequency since the upgrade, and thought it might be code-related.

    "It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious."
  2. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    As I said, I've noticed it happening more often. Just happened again now, so I did a screen cap.
    Sorry for the poor image quality and somewhat large file size, but you should be able to make out what I'm talking about.

    <IMG SRC="" border=0>

    "It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious."
  3. ukliam

    ukliam Regular Member

    Mr Alien has not set the width="xx" and height="xx"
    tags on his images.
    That is what is causing the problem
  4. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    99% of the images on this site have width and height tags. I'm almost anal about it. .

    How would the problem in Dan's screenshot be solved by an *image* width & height tag?

    Do you mean a cell is missing a width tag? I know I have some tables that need em, even though many I have never changed the default in the code so not sure why it would do it. I know that if images in a message are wide, it will require a scroll. I know that if a URL is unusually long it will also require a scroll. I'd like to somehow force something onto another line, even if it's as long as, say: dfhjsdlkjsdlkfjslkdjf/sdfjkjhdf.html


    -Administrator / Owner
    "Everything was true. God was an astronaut. Oz really is over the
    rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  5. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    I think Liam is referring to table width and height tags.
    Seriously, I'm experiencing this a ton more than before the upgrade.

    "It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious."
  6. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Okay, so aside from the times it occurs that I mentioned above, this is occuring more frequently with widths when the page has nothing causing it to do this...

    I want to know if this "more often" thing is occuring with a particular browser. IE 5.5? Netscape?

    -Administrator / Owner
    "Everything was true. God was an astronaut. Oz really is over the
    rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed
  7. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    I'm using IE5.5 now, but I also had it occur in IE5.
    I don't use Netscape at all, so I can't say if it's happening.

    "It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious."
  8. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Okay, I'll continue to see how it can be adjusted in some way.

    It also occurs in Netscape, I just tested it.

    I also tried forcing the author column to a forced width, and that still doesn't work when the message does something too wide... This was done on my test version, it is not included in this code.


    -Administrator / Owner
    "Everything was true. God was an astronaut. Oz really is over the
    rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed
  9. jadedskies

    jadedskies Regular Member

    I've had this happen a fair bit too.

    You may think I'm a loser
    That I don't really care
    You may think that it's forgotten
    But you should be aware
    'Cause I've learned to get revenge
    And I swear you'll experience that some day.
    - Lene Marlin
  10. liltaz

    liltaz Regular Member

    happens all the time here...IE 5

    Alien: ...I mean, your ass makes a noise...that's just...disturbing
  11. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Alien&gt; The weird part is that this issue is not consistent. If you'll look at the thread in the image I posted, there is nothing in that thread that should force the columns to extend. It's just plain, normal text. No long URLs, no images, just text.

    And as I said earlier, hitting refresh fixes it. It doesn't occur with any pattern or regularity.

    "It's always funny until someone gets hurt, and then it's just hilarious."
  12. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Well that part of the issue (when nothing actually IS wide, and a simple refresh is needed) is something that's been going on for 1-2 years with this coding.. Might be something with the browsers and embedded tables... It did happen a little less with 5.01 of ie instead of 5.5 though. Weird... Don't think that's anything *I* can fix, however I'd like to figure out how to fix the 'wide' issues mentioned above.

    -Administrator / Owner
    "Everything was true. God was an astronaut. Oz really is over the
    rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed
  13. Chimpi

    Chimpi Regular Member

    Yeah, I've been getting it. But the other one, where it's normal but the width of the text part is long and I hafta scroll across...

    Sit back, buckle up, and strap yourself in...this will be a bumpy ride on a joy ride!
    Hey, it's the least I can do, and you know that's all I do
  14. moonsee

    moonsee Regular Member

  15. ukliam

    ukliam Regular Member

    nope, I was on about the width and height on the IMAGES.... and yes it can cause this problem.

    I think the ones you need to llok at are your posts, info, pic etc links under the user name, they have not got the width and height set and are most likely to be causing this problem.

    Here is a list of all the images that need it doing on.

    &lt;img src="/ubb/soup.jpg" border="0"&gt;
    &lt;img src="/ubbimages/email.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"&gt;
    &lt;img src="/ubbimages/login.gif" border="0" align="absmiddle"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0" alt="Post New Topic"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0" alt="Post A Reply"&gt;
    &lt;img src= alt='Total Posts: xx | Date Abducted: xx-xx-xxxx'&gt;
    &lt;img src= alt='Interests: xx'&gt;
    &lt;img src= alt='From: xx'&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0" alt="User has a picture! (Coming Soon)"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0" alt="Click Here to See the Profile for xx"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0" height="17"&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0" alt="Click Here to Email xx"&gt;
    &lt;INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="" border="0" align="absmiddle" VALUE=""&gt;
    &lt;INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="" border="0" align="absmiddle" VALUE=""&gt;
    &lt;img src="" border="0"&gt;
  16. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Missing size tags fixed...

    -Administrator / Owner
    "Everything was true. God was an astronaut. Oz really is over the
    rainbow. ...and Midian is where the monsters live." -Nightbreed
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