Symbols under avatars

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Nuphoria, Mar 9, 2004.

  1. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member


    Just wondered if someone could explain what the symbols to be found under our names in postings mean? I assume it's something to do with the no. of posts but can't find any help page(s) which explains all that business.

    Also, now I am folding@home (albeit very slowly on a technological dinosaur) how/when do I get my folding symbol thingy? Pretty please can I have one?

  2. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    Sure you can have one, I'll take care of the infamous "red nut" now!

    As for the symbols under your avatar, those are insignia/medals/ranks according to how many posts you have. Each time you reach a new level of posts (which we keep secret for fun purposes) your metals will change. The graphics are based on the game "Galaga" from the 1980's. :)

    ...moving to Soup Station!
  3. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    PM alien for your folding icon.

    As for the other symbols, you're going to need to be more specific.
    If you're talking about the Galaga flags, yes, they are directly related to your post count, for now. They are taken from the 80's arcade game, Galaga, and signify how many posts you have made in the forums. Alien's been known to change the symbol, and their meanings, or wipe them out completely, from time to time, so they still might change.
  4. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Pardon anything redundant. :lol:

    We were posting at the same time!
  5. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member

    Two posts are better than one gentlemen, and I now am the proud owner of a red donut!

    I think I may have worked out your flag thing tho :winkgrin: despite the secrecy... I have already tried to explain it my girlfriend who will probably be joining your site shortly.

    I like your style!
  6. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    red donut?!?!?
  7. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member

    Well, it's a kind of furry red donut thing... forgive me, I gave up smoking a month ago and am utterly orally fixated!


    Am very proud to have a nut, thank you.
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