Name is tryfuhl (or Shawn). I'm slightly addicted to the internet as I'm sure many of you are. I have administrated and/or modded several forums before, some more successful than others, such is the life. I currently administer only one forum (as I stepped down from another one that had greatly lost its direction); that would be NoNewbs -- gay name, pretty decent community though. It is a general discussion, or off topic, forum, whichever you prefer to call it. We use vBulletin and keep it pretty well up to date. Our programmer is absolutely amazing and has modified popular plugins like Live Topic to work better with our community, give more features, and whatnot. He also has programmed many custom plugins that can't be found elsewhere, like one called myForum, which basically aggregates the selected subforums that you've added into your configuration into a single forum view. Myself, I'm pretty well versed in the workings of vB, but I've done work on phpBB and IPB (as well as many others) back in the day. My skills are mostly in light code modification, template edits and additions, and banning spammers while taking it easy on the working man. Alright, I've said enough, time to check out the forum.
Hey Shawn, welcome to the forum. You certainly sound like a great member to have, so I'm excited to see some of your posts. Enjoy your time here.
Holy crap, lots of responses quickly, that's impressive. Thanks for the warm welcomes and comments on the community. We're pretty proud to have nearly over 4.5m posts, 9k members, and keeping 75 to 300 members (not just viewers) on at any given time (ranging from the wee hours to peak) being only 16 months old. As you can see from my post count I've already fell in place here
I don't know what I'm impressed more with: your post count here already or the statistics of your forum in 16 months. How did you manage that? :speechless:
Welcome to AdminAddict, great introduction - and your community is pretty impressive. Enjoy yourself. Also, I joined your forum! Looks great; even decided to subscribe to VIP!
Whoa, sounds great man. There's definitely a variety of characters on the site so don't take anything too personally I guess. There are plenty of great members as well though.