Strict or Laid back?

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Superboy, Jul 19, 2012.

  1. Superboy

    Superboy Most Likely, I'm Insane.

    What is your view on how things run on your site(S)? Are you strict....My way or the highway type of person or are you more laidback and relaxed?

    I tend to be extremely laidback in most cases....Whenever drama happens between members or trolls, I generally let them handle things on their own UNLESS it gets out of hand(racial, sexist, homophobic, hateful comments) or threats of violence.

    I always say that I am a teen and I feel like as a Teen admin of a teen forum, I am nobody's mommy or daddy and I am not there to punish people and I know as a teen, we hate when someoen tries to boss us around so I generally am more laid back and relaxed with my site.

    How about you all?
  2. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    I'm more laidback and relaxed. I'm an adult, and I don't like strict rules so I really don't force those upon my users. If I can't have fun, then the users can't have fun, some topics are off limits though limits like drugs and such.

    I've only had to ban one user[for breaking the rules] in the past year. The only people getting banned is spam bots really. And that user got banned because they posted a lot of useless shit.
  3. benjaminp

    benjaminp Regular Member

    I take a fairly laid back approach myself. If a user is breaking rules I'll just drop them a pm explaining why I edited/deleted their post and direct them to the rules.

    I don't issue them a warning on first offences and find the pm is usually enough to stop the behaviour.

    Similarly to others, the only bans I've issued have been to spam bots.
    cpvr likes this.
  4. cpvr

    cpvr Regular Member

    I figure the nicer you are to your members, the better your community is off. If you play the dictator-ship rules like, you're going to sink the ship because love having freedom on the forums, and its not that bad to warn people who get out of line. It's like babysitting a child when you're a community owner, because you're the boss, and they're your users, as well as kids running around the community - if you get what I mean, but the kids are the spammers/rules breakers, and the adults keep their cool and don't usually engage in drama.
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