About a week ago we had a crazy storm come through our area. I was looking for a place to share some pictures and talk about it, but I couldn't find a forum online about storms. So I thought it might be fun to start one. I'm not sure how much there would be to talk about with the topic, but I feel with the right promotion and enthusiasm it could catch on. And as far as I know there aren't any forums covering this topic yet. I know I'm not the only one who enjoys thunderstorms, so this topic has potential I think. Right now I'm using MyBB because I ran out of vB licenses. But an upgrade is always possible in the future. I'm new to MyBB so I'm still figuring everything out. I'm looking for someone to help run the forum and help get it off the ground. You need to have admin experience (duh!) and be someone who likes storms (of all kinds). Some creativity might be a plus as well to create a new header to replace my mediocre Photoshop skills. :p If you don't want to be an admin, you're still welcome to join, post, and spread the word. The site isn't fully set up yet, so bear with me as we get things going. Anyone interested can send me a PM or post here. Storm Forums
This sounds like a neat idea! Good luck with it. I do know of this weather forum though: The Weather BB It's not popular or anything, so you still have a great opportunity.
I like the lightning bolt in the logo, perhaps you could have clouds for your status icons and add the same lightning bolt for the New Posts state?
I'm not sure how well it will do but sounds interesting. Here is our brunsh with a tornado during this past Easter weekend. tornados suck: updater with pictures.
The design is definitely nice, though as Nick brought up, one of your competitors is The Weather BB- at any rate, good luck.
Tbh, I don't like it design wise. I guess I think those colors are unrelated with the logo and such, looks like a color mes for me, not to mention the colors bore me a bit. x.x Sorry.
there are some weather ones but that might be a good idea -- maybe you could partner with some of the manufacturers of storm-chasing gear, weather alert software and hardware, recording technology, etc equipment that serves the industry
Oh, actually viewing the forum, that's a lot of subforums for a brand new setup, you'd probably be better off going with combining storm talk and storm stories, pics and videos, etc too spread out = uneventful feel
i only have vb knowledge, no ipb..but i'm pretty good with hacks/mods..i'd love to get in on this....if you still need any help p.m. me on here..i check in here daily. ttyl.
I'd be interested in helping, I've run a few myBB forums and have experience with the software. Drop me a PM!