Stay or Leave?

Discussion in 'vBulletin Discussions' started by sukagwe, Jun 14, 2013.


stay or leave

  1. just stay & wait

  2. leaving ASAP

  1. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    it's seems the vb's staff, the customers are leaving vb one by one.

    at the current state of vb5 right now, if you have an active forum that using vb5 & if you doesn't have financial problem to move on. what will you do? stay & stick with the current vb5 that you're using it right now or leave it & move to another forum platform?
  2. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    There is no other product that does what vBulletin 5 does.
    So, those of use who bought it for what it does that nothing else does have no choice.
    Either wait for vB5 to get up to speed or wait for another product to get up to speed with vB5.
  3. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    Leave. Not because as is the product sucks but because of the utter lack of respect IB has shown for their customers.

    There is no doubt in my mind that over time vB 5 will get better just like vB 4 did. However, IB has shown that their customers are nothing but dollar signs to them. IB will take a short term cash grab over long term customer retention.

    Whether or not that makes business sense is up for debate. I, for one, will no longer do business with a company that conducts themselves in this manner.
    Big al likes this.
  4. Code Monkey

    Code Monkey Regular Member

    The problem with "staying" is you'll be making this post again and again. vBulletin is not the first "Sold" product to be ruined by it's new owners. Sure it will get better but then the next version will take years and the next....
    Big al likes this.
  5. CM30

    CM30 Regular Member

  6. BirdOPrey5

    BirdOPrey5 #Awesome

    I know of no other forum script with a front end "Site Builder" which is VB5's flagship feature.
    ProSportsForums likes this.
  7. ragtek

    ragtek Regular Member

    Any examples except the sitebuilder?? that's NO selling point for me.
    It's a nice feature, but it's lacking LIKE all the other features, and let's be honest => HOW often do you need the builder?
    Is it a must have feature, which you use daily?
  8. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    There is no alternative product on the market which allows for customization of every element on every page, nor is there another product which ostensibly allows for complete social media integration. There is far more difference to vB5 over any other product than just the SiteBuilder, although the SiteBuilder alone is incredibly useful in and of itself. It takes seconds to completely change the content or the layout of a page. For me that's critical because I work in a niche where news that's five minutes old is history.

    As I stated on the majority of the customer base simply wants a functional forum product. That's what most of the old school forum owners want. That's fine. But it's not what I want or I'd have stayed with vB4 or gone to IPB, which is nothing more than vB4 in a more up to date package. In my highly competitive and over-filled niche I need to shatter the mold of traditional forums to be something thousands of competing forums are not.
  9. sukagwe

    sukagwe Regular Member

    I used site builder 4 month ago LOL

    take a look at this. no one decide to stay if they got money to move on to another forum platform.
  10. ProSportsForums

    ProSportsForums Regular Member

    That thread has absolutely nothing to do with the post to which you are replying. Trolling?
  11. Uzi

    Uzi Regular Member

    I personally think vB is horrible and it's definitely towards the bottom of my list of favorite forum software's, I would say trash vB and go to IPB or myBB. It's your choice but that is my honest opinion, good luck with your forum none the less!
    Big al likes this.
  12. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Thank god! :)

    Also the site builder is nice but it's not new, there are scripts out there and addons that have modular design options similar to vB's flagship feature.

    For the record, I like the sitebuilder, but that's not a good reason to stick up for vB in my opinion.
    Dan Hutter, Iconic and Big al like this.
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