Status Icons Request

Discussion in 'Graphics Requests' started by torque, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night (depending on whatever part in the world you are in),

    I am once again before you fantastic graphic designers in a quest to try and make my forums look better and hopefully finish it off.

    To give you a quick little backstory of the website and why I am in such direstraits I will post this information and then get to what I need:-

    Sports Force Interactive (The Pavilion Forums)
    The website was created when a number of serious injuries ruled me out of playing any sort of sport again, and wanting to stay involved in sport in one way or another.

    I am aiming to improve the whole look and feel of the website because at the end of this month we will be in an editorial in a new sport magazine in Australia - the editorial arranged is a two page editorial about my website and is distributed to almost 300 000 people.

    I personally look at this as the one thing that could really kick start my website as if only 10% of those people who read the magazine sign up that is still 30 000 people and if only 10% of those become regular posters that makes it 3000 people which would be a big jump, not to mention the friends these people will be able to invite to the website.

    What I need:-
    FMB made me a set of these yesterday along with the fantastic banner, however my current members are complaining you can not really see if there is a new post or not.

    And so what I am asking for is a set of Status Icons.

    My forums mainly use:- forum_new, forum_old and forum_link.

    Size: 40x40 up to 60x60
    Images: I have attached our websites logos incase you wanted to use them but really this is up to you.
    Style: The Pavilion Forums - clearly shows the style we are using on the forums and would like icons to look good on that.

    Time Frame: ASAP

    Payment: Links in our Web Links area, if you run a graphics website you will also have a redirected board to your site in our Graphics section.

    Additional Info: As mentioned above I would like to have forum_new, forum_old and forum_link.

    Thank you to all in advanced.

    Attached Files:

  2. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    Uno momento senor
  3. torque

    torque Regular Member

    lol I am holding on - thankfully you didn't say hold your breath and I will have some shortly lol!
  4. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    Hope you like. I left them rather big so you can size them as you see fit.

    I went ahead and included forum_closed as well for fun.
  5. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Wow... those kick ass.
  6. torque

    torque Regular Member

    thanks mate they look great i will upload them and then come back and give you feedback - now i know where to find where to do it :D
  7. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    Glad you like
  8. torque

    torque Regular Member

    Excuse me - shouldn't I get right of reply first lol - what if I didn't like them it would of made it look like I was just being difficult... lol just jking!

    Anyway mate I have uploaded them, tested them - you cant upload them and not make a new post to see how they look lol - and they are fantastic my fellow admin loves them - too bad if she didn't I say - and so now it is a case of me attempting to create smilies (using footballs and stuff as the actual face part) and then it would be to a satisfactory level for me to submit it to sites for feedback.

    Thank you so much these are highly appreciated - message me the site you want linked to from our site, and if you send it in pm or whatever feel free to chuck in a little write up about your site so I can post :D

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