Forum URL: Star Trek Elite Forum Name: Star Trek Elite Launch Date: Official Launch on June 27th, 2009 Posts/Threads/Members: Threads: 58, Posts: 165, Members: 10 Forum Software: vBulletin Description: Star Trek Elite celebrates the legacy and vision of world's most popular science fiction franchise, with special emphasis on game titles. Other Info/Points of Interest: Custom-built directory & ranking script for gaming clans. Once a clan has been added to the registry, users input their clan's abbreviation into a profile field and all subsequent posts are tallied to produce an overall clan score. The higher a clan's score, the higher their position in the registry system. Forum ranks follow in the traditional Star Trek Starfleet hierarchy vBSEO It's Star Trek! P.S. Lots of thanks to Savage, Nick & Chris for AA. I used some of the same layout element because put together, they make for a clean and inviting atmosphere.
First Impression: Hmm, dark. o.o Not bad but no joke, I had to sit straight to see the site since it was kind of too dark. Logo... kind of not very fond of it. Forum Content Quantity of Forums: Wow, to be honest, I expected MANY forums, but you've divided them quite nicely in a non clutter way. Content: You don't have much, hence you just opened? I'd prolly suggest to make some more quality content threads and such, try to open up discussions, atm your boards just seem... kind of boring, but it has so much potential, since it attracts me visually. Almost all your posts were made by staff, try to advertise a bit, I know there are a lot of Star Trek fans after that movie! Forum Look Favicon: x.x I just noticed, my browser is dark so I couldn't see it well. Looks nice. On, Off Icons: Pretty original, though I might add that some of your post icons are the default... and yeah, those don't look pretty with the skin. Design: I have some problems with your site. It's bulky and makes it look so cluttered and >< I don't like it! . I think that post button is TOO big. And it looks wierd since you have such a small width site. Also, where you log in [refer to screenshot] it's kind of hard to read the words, although people would know automatically what it is, it just doesn't look right. One of thosepictures anyways, I just saw they were rotating. I am not fond of the logo, some parts of the logo look, jagged, like it was sharpened too much and it was shrunk to fit. besides that, It seems to be original. Overall Opinion: I think there is very little to look to content wise. As I said, open up some discussion with some quality on the posts, try to get people to join and have fun. Try to traget people who saw the Star Trek movie, since it was awesome. The design is bulky and cluettered when you go deeper on the forum. Like some of the parts are too big for such a skinny forum. I hope you have the best of luck!
I thought the text was bright compared to the logo image, making the page seem a little out of balance and the logo hard to see.
Thanks for the input, I'll see about making some tweaks. Modifications were done in three days so I'm pleased with the initial results. Reply buttons were oversized, but really just wanted to get something in place to launch with. Unfortunately the logo's font itself is jagged when its enlarged anything past size 30. Not a big deal, but I'll see what I can do. And just for you Soliloquy, I cranked up the logo's glow to make it more easily visible heh.
Imperial, I really like the forum (though I'm not a Star Trek fan, otherwise I'd join). I think this is the perfect example of how a forum should be launched. Congratulations and good luck.
We're also working on the content as well. In two days we've added 40 new members. Today alone I was happy to log in to see 600+ relatively non-spammy posts
First Impression: Alright, when I first clicked the link I was expecting a website with a large index for information to do with Star Trek. Kind of disappointing based on your message. This made me believe that you would provide updates, news, and other important things a ST fan would expect on a fansite. The colors didn't seem very lively or out there to grab my attention. The forums kind of added to the dark look, though I did find the use of Star Trek logos to be a good addition. Board Theme/Skin: The skin is dark and I didn't notice a feature that allowed users a light skin. Not everyone is a fan of a dark skin. But this skin wasn't too dark, more of a medium dark than a abyss dark. It's simple but efficient in the job. I would have expected more ST in the skin. You're young though so you have time to grow. Forum Layout: Love the layout, so not many complaints about that. It's not too long or bulky. It allows the users an understanding of the subjects to be discussed in each forum. One complaint though. When you say Entertainment & Media, I generally associate Gaming with Entertainment. Maybe make it a subforum? Simply a suggestion, it's fine where it is. Like the section for the ST online users, gives you a bit of originality. Which leads me on to my next point; Originality: Seems quite original to me, I noticed that you have the section for online ST users and fans. Nice little touch. I like the unique pips. Some of the buttons do seem to be a bit large and out of proportion. Tips: Work some more on providing content on the ST franchise. Work on advertising. Combine the General Gaming with the Entertainment & Media (Suggestion, by no means a demand) Think of some more unique community contests to get users wanting to be active and a part of your community. That's about it for me.