:hello: Addicts! We have two staff changes two announce at this time - one sad, and one fresh and exciting! First, the bad: Our amazing co-administrator, member, adviser and friend, Chris has made the ever-difficult decision to retire from his administrative position here on AdminAddict. Without going into details, his personal life is facing some rough challenges and difficulties at this time, and he is unable to commit the energy, time and dedication needed to maintain an active presence on AdminAddict. He is sad to leave, but believes it is best for his personal matters and for preserving AdminAddict's image of maintaining an active and enthusiastic team of staff members. We will all miss Chris, his help, his comedy, and the general cheerfulness that he brings to every discussion on AdminAddict. We wish him the best with his personal endeavors, and any other obstacles he encounters in the future. A fresh new face: In order to accommodate the loss of a great staff member as well as the growing activity and popularity of AdminAddict, we have opted to bring our first moderator onto the staff team. The lucky candidate who has exhibited exemplary behavior, maturity, fairness and enthusiasm is gnatster (Nathan) - AdminAddict - View Profile: gnatster We are confident that this new addition will only improve AdminAddict and allow us to focus more on the management of our increasingly-popular discussion threads. Please join us in wishing Chris the best and welcoming Nathan to our staff team.
Sorry to see Chris go, who I've never met, but welcome Nathan. You've definitely shown a good sense of maturity, behavior, fairness, and most of all, knowledge for the time I've been here. Good luck to both men!
It is very sad to see Chris go. What a loss! Congrats to Nathan, whom I've always found to be fair, diplomatic and personable.
It's sad to see Chris go . But I guess it's for the best if he didn't have the time for it. Good luck Chris =). Welcome Nathan. Wow, first mod? Really? I thought I was just missing something and thought y'all had some mods, but nice. Good luck =). To bad I can't take Chris' job lols.
sad that chris is leaving, good luck in what you are doing and hope everything in life turns out ok. congratulations nathan on becoming a mod
Thanks everyone for the kind works. It certainly is very heartwarming when your peers have the confidence in ones abilities to extend a role such as this to me. I'm sorry to see Chris step down but certainly understand priorities. I'm not here to try and fill his shoes but to lend a helping hand where I can. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any thing... I'm here to help.
Congrats, Nathan! You've obviously established yourself as a very valuable member of these forums. I hope you enjoy your new position. We certainly do need your services! (Especially in the evenings when all the spammers attack!)
Sorry to see ya go chris, but i completely understand the need to concentrate on lifes challenges. gnatster, congrats.....You seem really openminded and i think that is going to be a great benefit for adminaddict.
I love that Nathan is coming on board...congrats my friend! But, I have to say that I'm going to miss Chris and his special brand of humor and his great comments tremendously! More than anything, I hope that he sorts things out in his personal life! Then maybe he could jump back in and become active in the AA community again. :thumbup:
Farewall to Chris although I don't believe I knew you very well in my short time here. Congratulations are in order for gnatster.
Congrats gnaster! Sad to see chris go indeed, but hopefully everything works out well for him and whatever problems he maybe facing!
Congrats Nathan! Great choice AA!:cheers: Just like everyone else I am sad to see Chris go. Hopefully he will come back and visit once life settles down. Good luck Chris!