I've got a vb 4 forum that receives 50+ new users daily from spammers. I have captcha and email verification enabled. How can I keep these guys from adding massive accounts
There are a few precautions you can make. For one, don't allow new members to create profile edits or use the PM feature until they reach x amount of posts (somewhat of an extreme method). Two, create a required profile field for human recognition, such as 1+5 for example. Bots can read captcha, they can't read text. You will still have your human spammers, but at least it will keep the others out (method one should keep most of the human ones out, because most don't have the fortitude to make worthwhile posts).
adding an extra profile field with a question in it that only a human would be able to answer got rid of 99% of my spam
Isn't there a new feature on Vb forums that engages spammers even more? Or I"m thinking of something else? Regardless, just do a simple question before they register and that should get them. I just registered and was thrown a loop with the question. Which was great by the way.
I see a huge difference between my boards. The ones who use the Enhanced Image Captcha hardly have spammers signing up. Do not know if the 4-series have this mod available.
Hi brandon am agree with joshuad,do not alow new members to pm or editing profile,i am sure like in this way you should solve your problems and you can make your things safe and secure.
Captcha has been hacked, you need to have a few spam mods that you can get from the org, also the question and answer option enabled.
you can make a question like wat is the sum of "8&4" ........this is help as only humans would be able to answer the random question ...........
Yes, make it a random question with a sum, it has to be something easy but to hard for bots to understand.