IPB is working on what seems to be a pretty advanced spam monitoring service. It seems like these guys are really stepping up the service for forum owners and are starting to separate themselves from others in good ways. While I'm sure this won't be a 100% fool proof system (what is???) I think its a huge step in the correct direction, and can cut down on moderation time by huge amounts!
It's an interesting concept, much like StopForumSpam, except for the bit about every registration being monitored by IP Board. There might be some serious privacy concerns over this.
This definitely does sound like something very neat, and IP.Board is really beginning to attract me. I am kinda anxious to start a new project with IP.Board and put it to use.
you could just be moving onto dodgy ground doing this. not in respect of the spammers but in respect of Joe Ordinary who has supplied an email address to you and you pass it on to a third party. you are laying yourselves open to the accusation that he didn't give you permission to pass his email address to anyone and now he is getting loads of spam and indirectly or directly it is you who has caused it. (it could be true or just him thinking it is true or it could be him maliciously stirring it up with other members) I know, if he had any sense he would have supplied a disposable email address but loads don't. Spamfighter do something similar with spam email but they are only getting details of spam emails not every email. A database of spammers...great idea but I am uneasy about the possible side effects.
Completely agree - however IP Board does attract me after years of using vb i found it difficult to navigate and piece together a forum using it... To be fair I didn't give it much of a chance I had it for a week then sold it.
This looks very promising. IPB already stops all automatic spam bots so hopefully this will help stop the manual spammers from registering on my forums.
Anyone who is concerned about members complaining about having their email address sent to IPS for verification can simply add a line or two in their pre-registration terms and conditions. This is editable from the ACP so it's a very simple task.
It haven't caught any spammers on my forum yet (for those that wonders: I haven't had any either). But it's good to hear that the system works.
I got my first spammer since I installed 3.0.x (on 3.0.3) today. Spam service did not stop him from registering. Checked out stopforumspam and saw he was a regular... banned.