(1) Forum URL: www.pokefarm.mybbnew.com Forum Title: PokeFarm Why you think you should be nominated: I'm the only one with a Pokemon site here...and you can add any fakemon you want to the roleplay...so its unlimited really. (2) Forum URL: Promotion Land Forum Title: Promotion Land Why you think you should be nominated: Hey, I accepted the merge you wanted to do! If I didn't this site would've not got any members!! (3) Forum URL:http://promotion-hq.forumotion.net Forum Titleromotion-HQ Why you think you should be nominated:Because we have so many stuff! (4) Forum URL: http://www.iwebbuddy.com/ Forum Title: iWebBuddy.com Why you think you should be nominated: Why shouldn't I? (5) Forum URL: http://jams.forum.st Forum Title: Jams Forum Why you think you should be nominated: Maybe because i'm the best... Why else would I be nominated? So just vote for your favorite site. First to 5 votes, or highest score within 1 week, will win.
I'm sorry I'm so late on this. And I'm sorry to iwebbuddy but since they switched hosts we must start this over. Again, I apologize