SOTW #1 voting

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by ShadyX, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. ShadyX

    ShadyX Regular Member


    Forum URL:
    Forum Title: PokeFarm
    you think you should be nominated: I'm the only one with a Pokemon site
    here...and you can add any fakemon you want to the its
    unlimited really.


    Forum URL: Promotion Land
    Forum Title: Promotion Land
    Why you think you should be nominated: Hey, I accepted the merge you wanted to do! If I didn't this site would've not got any members!!


    Forum URL:
    Forum Title:Promotion-HQ
    Why you think you should be nominated:Because we have so many stuff!


    Forum URL:
    Forum Title:
    Why you think you should be nominated: Why shouldn't I?


    Forum URL:
    Forum Title: Jams Forum
    Why you think you should be nominated: Maybe because i'm the best... Why else would I be nominated?

    So just vote for your favorite site. First to 5 votes, or highest score within 1 week, will win.
  2. undercoverjamil

    undercoverjamil Regular Member

    I vote for Jams Forum. It's the best one there.
  3. ShadyX

    ShadyX Regular Member

    Cannot vote for yourself
  4. rozzex

    rozzex Regular Member

    I vote for iwebbuddy :P
  5. Marc

    Marc Checkmate - Game Over

    PokeFarm gets my vote because of the design.
  6. jerry

    jerry Regular Member

    I vote jams because it's awsome, and his reason is sooo true.
  7. Martin

    Martin Regular Member

    Iwebbuddy its so professional
  8. ShadyX

    ShadyX Regular Member

    I'm sorry I'm so late on this. And I'm sorry to iwebbuddy but since they switched hosts we must start this over.

    Again, I apologize
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