I realize that I am not as good as many are but I absolutely love playing with computer graphics and it actually calms me, even as I curse the computer out if I can't it to what I want it to do.:harhar: I love the southwest and all that it has to offer for graphics and color. . . I have a website and if anyone would like to look at it, please feel free. Here is the link: http://graphicqueen1.freehostingnow.com/
Yes, I am Graphic Queen, but please don't tell anyone at City-Data because they banned Graphic Queen. :rip_1: So, I started using Veiled Prophet as my handle there. Thank you and I am glad that you like my southwestern stuff. Had you ever seen it before I gave the link here? What yahoo groups are you a member of? Did you get my link from one of those?
Actually, I was a member of Creative Cornucopia while you were designing your website. I've been a member for quite some time...a lurker mostly. Joined Dec 15, 2005 so it's been almost 2 years now. And I promise, no one there will know. Our secret. Liz
Other groups I belong to: golden_gals_tubes PSP_with_Class thevault Both thevault and golden_gals_tubes I found following Rita (a tuber from high_standard_tubes that was run by Gini until she closed it in Feb. I was also a member of Kat's Mystery Mists until that one closed and she went to a member's only site. I can't afford to pay for that. Not right now anyway. I found a couple of MSN tutorial groups...don't like those as well as the yahoo groups tho. Liz