Some Feedback.....

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by kneel, Mar 28, 2010.

  1. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    I've been looking for a good general forum fora while now....and im glad I stumbled across this one...i know Brandon from vbsetup and I feel confident that this place will run smooth...

    so...thanks for putting this place up!!! Consider me a daily poster!!

    (unless my job doesnt let me...LOL...which happens....)

    have a good one everyone!!
  2. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    Thanks so much Kneel,

    I have some grand plans for this place :)
    I actually have two real nice general forums that I'm talking with the owners on buying so we can merge them here. It would be over 350,000 post of 100% unique content :D.
    I'm just a bit short on cash, I had 25% of what I needed saved up in paypal, but we went out drinking and celebrating after the google deadline and we blew it
    So I'm back to square one, I may talk with a few friends to see if they want to invest in Sheley Enterprises :B
    ...but most likely I'll just have to pick up vbulletin work here and there till I can build a grand or so up. I have picked up 5 or 6 smaller forums and that's the databases you see now other then the recent post. I have those URL's redirected to so we don't lose any traffic.
    I haven't sent a newsletter out to all the old members of those sites yet, I'll wait until these 2 large mergers take place.

    Anyways,, thanks for joining and welcome to the site, I do hope to see your post for many many may Years to come :D
  3. kneel

    kneel Regular Member

    cool man...

    If ya need a hand around this place when it gets boomin just lemme know...
  4. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    thanks, will do :)
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