That's the worst, either when the snow turns to ice, or the roads ice over, then it snows on top of it. UGH
6 inches of snow, and college was closed! i did spend an hour walking to college when i found out the buses werent running, only to be told that it was closed and we have to go back home.....2 1/2 hours of walking in the deep snow.
omg that sounded so much like my grandma! " When I was a kid we had to walk 5 miles to school in 2 ft of snow in shoes with holes in the bottom....................." I'm sure everyone's parents/grandparents have the wild tales to tell. And everytime they tell 'em the distance is longer, the snow is deeper and the shoes are in worse condition, LOL. :lol:
I've seen the "road" my mom walked to the bus stop on in Finland, MN, and yes, it was a mile-and-a-half, uphill both ways. And snow? Finland, MN? Oh, yeah, we're talking feet of snow, not inches with bears and meese (what's the plural of moose?) near-by. Temp? In winter? Well below what anyone should need to suffer through. It was 50 below once when I was up there on Christmas break. Seriously.
I mean, it does snow in North Florida. But I doubt there was ever a foot of snow, even 90 yrs ago, lol.
Got three or four inches this morning. I really do not like the snow, or the cold. It makes me cranky. >=(
I went outside, shoveled my back walk (we are talking about 50 feet max), turned around and the first part I shovel was covered already.
I know I passed quite a few this morning having their morning coffee from the mobile cafe located in the ditch. :idiot:
No doubt. Checked this morning - we got roughly 2 1/2 - 3" overnight here in NE Ohio. The snow is up to my front and back doors. I finally have to break out the shovel. Gawd what I would give for a snow blower. To make it even better, schools are closed. yippee