its snowing!!!!! :woohoo: i love the snow!!! anyone else have snow? im such a kid when it comes to snow, making snowmen (put the carrot in the wrong place last year, a bit further down than its nose.......) its not very deep yet, so i hope it continues even more and is really deep!!!!
It's not snowing yet here in the south east though it is very cold. We are expecting it to snow sometime tonight.
2 inches of snow here today and public transport all over the country is epicly failing due to the snow :S
I was in Duluth one Thanksgiving visiting friends. I swore that I would never complain about being cold again! LOL Windchill was -30 and snow was already mid-calf! We should be getting snow again real soon, hopefully by Christmas. There's nothing prettier than a white Christmas!
I love snow, but I live in Virginia Beach. The last time it actually snowed more than a few inches (and stuck!) was 5+ years ago.
As someone living in a valley in southern California, snow to me is not something you experience, but something you only see on the surrounding mountains. In other words, I'm jealous.
Snowing earlier for me too, in Manchester Was putting the rabbits back in the hutch, 5mins later i went down stairs and the whole garden was covered and all the cars/roads outside where too. I decided to go outside and attempt at a snowman but the snow was extremely soft so i gave up making it lol.
More and more snow has fallen here. Last time this many snow fall here, was 30 years ago. Public transport is very shitty since friday. Today almost all public transport ceast work. Maybe tomorrow busses and stuff will function again, but trains will bairly be riding ;_____;
we have snow, and i am sat eating an ice cream! its been snowing all day, we got about 3 inches. me and my little brother went out to play in the snow......he put a snowball in my knickers!!! felt like i had pooped a snowball
Our current weather, 48 degrees, is about as close to snow as we'll ever get. (Okay, okay... It occasionally does freeze, but never snows).
Snow'ed deep where i was today, Had a snowball fight with my brother uncle and cousuins at my Grans house, went home and it was near to night and went in the garden to make a snow man but it wasn't snow anymore =( it was more ice. Hope it snows tomorrow.
I have a friend in Kent. She said they got 2-3cm of snow last week. That's approximately 1 inch of snow. Their entire world came to a halt. I can't believe it! Here it's snowed about two inches in the last couple of hours and traffic is still moving. Stores are still open. People are still going to work on the night-shift tonite. I do understand about some areas not being prepared for snow, but 1 inch stopping everyone in their tracks?!? She said she needed to "dig out a parking spot" at work. It's one flipping inch!!!!!!!!!
Happened here too, lol. So weird that a bit of snow stopped pretty much everything. Next shipment of snow is coming here now
The UK isnt used to snow so yh that sounds about right everything coming to a halt lol. Just went out side and nearly finished of my its a giant ball of ice/snow pretty cool but extremely heavy ill need help pushing it soon =)
We got about seven inches last night. Now I need to un-bury my car so I can get some Mt Dew. I'm out of caffeine. Snow, snow, go away. :p