how many smilies does your forum have? we have about 100 on one forum, and about 25 on the others! whats your favourite smiley on your own forum? personally mine are (my smiley!) and my box-i hide in this when my co-admin talks about football! is when someone posts something disgusting whats your favourite on this forum? ----> :qq: (thats so cute!) in my opinion, i find it annoying when admins (or even people in msn) have smilies that replace normal words! like if :star: replaced the word star, and you couldnt write a word like started without it turning into :star:ted. that makes the words unreadable! i seperate all my smilies with : at the beginning and end, except for ones like and
As a writer by trade I loathe the darn things but since so many people like them and use them I have 47 on the site.
I love smilies, and so do my users. I have 295 of them on the Linnie Forum, 268 on Talk Parrots, and 129 here. My favorites include: . . . . . <-- Looks just like one of my parrots. ... And there are so many more I love.
X3 I always wanted custom smileys for Pisoga, dunno if anime smileys are something easy to do. Anyways, I have 125 currently.
I have 562 smilies in a folder on my computer (no duplicates). On my forum I have just less than 200.
I have around 75 on my forum. I have around 40 - 50 thousand custom smilies on my computer (probably much more than that. Because my site is a dedicated smiley provider I would think the smiley count will grow over time and I tend to add extra additional smilies every now and again. My favourite smiley as always been this one (which wasn't created by me).
on my computer i have thousands of smilies, including all the ones i have on forums, msn and a few that i just like and plan to use some day
I'm a sucker for a good smile/emoticon. Anyhow, I've got about 200 but I'm always looking for new feel free to post up lol
I remember one particular site where I uploaded roughly 400 smileys, not too recently. I've always stuck true to IPB style smileys, but since I've started practicing developing my own ones, and hopefully animated ones in the future, I imagine I would be able to cater to my needs in the future. I have a GDK for IPB style smileys somewhere on my computers. So most of the work is cut out for me.