SMF 2.1

Discussion in 'SMF Discussions' started by Autopilot, Nov 13, 2013.

  1. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Has anyone else been testing the SMF 2.1 Alpha? As of changes made in the last month I've noticed many key features removed at a whim. Dev doesn't like it so he removes it without any apparent collaboration with the other devs. Also several things are broken like the editor and the upgrade code.. This helter skelter way of coding seems to me like it will be years before anyone left with SMF code knowledge will find all the bone head mistakes and fix them. It's a shame too because until all the experienced coders were run off this used to be a solid forum.
  2. Oldiesmann

    Oldiesmann Regular Member

    First off, "alpha" stage generally means things might be broken, which is exactly why we don't recommend using 2.1 on a live forum at this point. We are fixing problems as quickly as we find them, but that doesn't guarantee everything will work properly.

    What "key features" are you referring to that have supposedly been removed in 2.1? Some things have been removed, but nothing that would be considered a "key feature", and we have good reasons for doing things this way.

    What are these "bone head mistakes" we've supposedly made but haven't fixed yet? Myself, Arantor and the other team members/contributors are fixing issues as fast as we can, so I'm not sure what you think we're overlooking. Also, please get your facts straight. Nobody was "run off". The people who left chose to do so on their own accord - they were not forced to leave.
  3. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Facts are straight, only your interpretation "run off" varies with you claiming they "left one their own accord". There are various means that can be employed to "run people off" either involuntarily or voluntarily.
    As for your other questions you answered them yourself and my qualifiers of claims are as posted. The end result defines being run off.

    I'm not clear what your point is here other than stating the obvious and doesn't address the points made.
  4. Oldiesmann

    Oldiesmann Regular Member

    You're complaining about things being broken/buggy. It's alpha. We fix them as we find things that are broken. If you're expecting perfectly working, non-buggy software, don't use 2.1 at this point.

    And no, you did not answer my other questions. You did not specify what "key features" we're supposedly removing or what "bone headed mistakes" we're making.
  5. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Yes I realize an alpha will be buggy. And so was your gold, it's to be expected from free software. You get what you pay for.
    What I complained about was the removal of "key features" which you admitted to removing only you don't consider them "key". I don't need to be specific with you as you already admitted to being aware of that which I spoke.

    So what's your problem? Your volunteer work is free and so is my opinion. I don't like your work and you don't like my opinion. Get over it I have. And yes I did specify what you failed to read yet you admit to doing, so I see no point in continuing your play on words to confuse my points which were made Nov 13, 2013 and may at this point in time be fixed.
    In my opinion I equate SMF to vB5 in its current evolution. The only difference is 1 is free and the other you pay for.
    For what it's worth, you should spend more time fixing what's broke in your gold release before moving on to making more mistakes in a newer version. That was one of vB's down falls as well.
  6. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    I've been watching the development of 2.1 quite closely because I run a couple of big boards on SMF. I do have some concerns what effect 2.1 will have on a heavily customised installation especially where bespoke themes and modifications are concerned.

    Don't get me wrong, I like a lot of what I've seen over the last couple of months but I am concerned at the amount of work I might be facing. This update seems to go along way beyond 2.0 in terms of development. Would that assessment be correct?
    Autopilot likes this.
  7. Oldiesmann

    Oldiesmann Regular Member

    In terms of the amount of work involved, the upgrade to 2.1 really shouldn't be any different than previous major version upgrades (eg 1.1 to 2.0). You will have to reinstall any mods or custom themes, and those mods/themes will need to be updated to work with the new version. It may be a lot of work if you have a lot of mods or theme changes, but as long as you prepare yourself in advance, you shouldn't have too much trouble.
    zappaDPJ likes this.
  8. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    Ok thanks for your reply. I'll be updating my test sites as soon as it hits beta so I should be fully prepared.
  9. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    Can't wait to see this go beta, 2.1 is going to be great The dev team at SMF are on the ball with this release.
  10. zappaDPJ

    zappaDPJ Regular Member

    You might want to have a read through this thread:

    As far as I can tell, 2.1 was largely the work of one developer who has now stepped down. It's pure speculation on my part but reading between the lines I'd say that 2.1 is unlikely to see the light of day for a very long time.
  11. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    ROFLMAO it was bound to happen. The whole crew is ripe with conflicts.
  12. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    I don't think Arantor was the only working on this, he was the lead though and has stepped down. But I don't think that is dead, maybe slowed down a bit though.
  13. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    He's the only one who knew what he was doing. If you have checked or followed their progress on GitHub for the past few years they have been working on 2.1 you will see a comedy of errors and half ass fixes. Arantor came in recently and tried to fix all the amateur hours coding being down and I think the pressure of dealing with these people (again) got the better of him (again). If you're ever on the Wedge site have a read of his rant there about SMF, it's titled "[****][****][****][****] the SMF project. [****][****][****][****] it up its stupid ass." if it's still on line. LMAO it was a hoot.:evillaugh:
  14. Allan

    Allan It's All Good

    I'm on wedge alot and I have seen that post as well, which was posted before he took the Dev job back on smf. I do agree that 2.1 is going to be a long time in waiting but not dead.
  15. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Arantor, he used to be a member of my past forum. He's an alright person to talk with as well. He did mention then about him leaving SMF and starting on Wedge, talking about what had been going on and why he left. So he went back to SMF then, hmmm. Or did he go back and leave again.

    Will have a look for that, ha!
  16. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    Apparently yeah, he had a tift with Nao and left him high and dry, and I guess not wanting to be all by himself, the enemy camp was a refuge in his bitter state. I like the guy as a person but he sure has a way of biting off his nose to spite his face.
    That post I referenced was several years ago, but it was one of his better rants. I liked it so much I copied it and the one he posted on SMF about "Sorry" (that was a few years ago too) when he felt slighted by others there ignoring his contributions. LMAO That was another Kodak moment. The man is priceless with his rants. Which is possibly where he got his nick from. A Rantor
  17. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    Yeah, I kind of gathered when he talked about SMF to me on my forum he was holding a grudge of sorts. I mean he didn't go into too much detail, but you could tell. But he never went off on one ranting bad or anything about SMF to me, just that he wasn't happy with how he left. Think he felt other devs took advantage of him.

    Quite funny, because when I used to say his name, I always got it wrong and wrote "Aranator", and he seemed to hate you keep getting his name wrong , lol.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2014
  18. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    I just finished reading both sides of the story on Wedge and it seems clear to me, Arantor has shot himself in the foot in the dev community with his latest debacle and flip flopping.
  19. Autopilot

    Autopilot Regular Member

    They (oldiesman) are suggesting 2.1 should be final by the end of this year. What's that make it now? 4, 5 years in development? By the time it is released it will be out of date LOL

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