How can a forum which in its hay day receive 4500 visitors go down to a poultry 16? The question I ask is why isn't this place more popular? Is it because of social networking sites such as facebook? Or is it something more sinister? Are forums such as this becoming a thing of the past because of things like arguing the toss with strangers has gone out of fashion? Why is it so dead around here?
Every man and his dog has a forum, but yes, I would imagine that a lot of people spend a lot more time on social networking sites such as facebook, I know I do. That said, I only use facebook for peeps I know IRL, and in general I have a lot less time to burn on the internets these days.
Hello, I don't think you understand the stats on the forum very well. I assume you're talking about the set on the forumhome page? . The top set is the number of uses that have visited while logged in. The bottom set is the total number of visitors each and every day. You'll see we had 1500 visitors in the last 24 hours. You'll also see our max of 4,500 was a week ago, and it was when this image got picked up by stumbleupon and got 13,000 views. Are you trolling?
No, I just thought it was a bit slow in regards to new threads thats all. I was just wondering because the most users I've seen logged in at any one time never seems to exceed 20. I thought I asked a legitimate question, if I were trolling you would not know until uproar had broken out and all of your user base were attacking eachother so the answer to your somewhat inflamatory question is No, I'm not trolling. Do you ask all users who question the stats of this forum if they are trolling?
I set you up, you should have full access to the forums. No, I don't think I've ever asked someone if they were a troll, just the questions you posted seem a bit "attackish" so I replied with the same tone. This site is very new and we'd love to have more active users, but it is what it is. Give it a year or two and we'll have 100's of users on each and every day.
you gotta understand, there are thousands of forums out there. general forums dont stick out as much and are a dime a dozen. come up witg a unique idea and it will increase traffic. i have a good idea on what to do, but i never had time to tell the admins on msf it. ill post it later