Slow AA is slow

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Imperial, Dec 3, 2010.

  1. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    I haven't been back for days and there's only 55 unread posts? Where's the AA spirit, you addicts must have been rehabilitated! I'm barely even seeing a peep out of the admins! Spam it up folks.
  2. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I'm curious? Does Nick still even own this forum anymore. Or was it sold to Brandon Sheley on the quiet? :shrug:

    I've seen Brandon become much more active her after never really using this community, and a lot has changed here since he did become much more active, with Nick doing a vanishing act in the process since.
  3. sportwiz628

    sportwiz628 Adept

    This site used to be amazing. I remember being able to get replies to a new thread within an hour, easily. What do the Admins think about sending an email to the entire userbase? It's extremely easy and wouldn't hurt the site at all.
  4. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    I wouldn't go as far as saying it used to be "amazing", but was pretty active at one point. But that was all down to the vBulletin 4 fiasco threads at first when IB first purchased vB.

    Fastest way to get your sites email listed as spam in my in-box, That's my opinion, don't abuse the News Letter feature until YOU REALLY DO HAVE IMPORTANT NEWS to mass send out. Abusing it, just to try and drive members back here - is a very, very bad idea.

    Most people hate spam emails, and can detect the difference between genuine forum news, and just emails sent to drive traffic back there. And thus will ban your sites email as a result, along with you probably losing that member for good.

    As far as this forum being quiet goes, it's not just here. Most forums now are dead. Admin Addict is not alone with that one.
  5. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    No Gary, Nick did not sell it to me.
    I do know the admins have been working on something for AA, I can't say anything beyond that.

    And ps, I never keep my purchases quiet ;)
  6. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    No worries, just wondered.

    Man, I just got the new game called Call of Duty (Black Ops) for playing on-line. Just installing it now. :spin:
  7. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I hate to see it like this. :(
  8. Mikey


    Maybe you guys should sign AA up for postloop LOL :D
  9. Tex

    Tex Adept

    Personally I still think AA is an invaluable resource! I know I haven't been around much this year, but a lot of other forums are slow as well, as was pointed out. I suppose tougher economic times is part of it, but the content here isn't going anywhere, and it seems the community is still doing fine. We have some good members here, I'm sure things will pick up again. ;)
  10. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hi guys,

    Firstly, thank you for your concern. It's great to see that there are still those of you out there who stake an interest in AA and its success... please know that we haven't forgotten about you!

    We do indeed have something in the works. There is no determined timeline other than "when it's ready." All I can recommend for now is to enjoy the quiet community while it lasts, because it sure won't be forever. And also, as long as your account has a valid e-mail address attached to it, you'll be sure to hear from us when we're ready to get things going again.

    Rest assured, AA has not gone down, it will be back, and it will be greater than before.
    5 people like this.
  11. GTB

    GTB Regular Member

    As long as you keep plastering your site full of "Google Ads" Nick. Sorry, but it will never be greater than before. That's the whole reason this community went down the pan in the first place, surely you can see that much?

    If your just going to change forum software to XenForo or IPB 3, then do exactly the same with Google Ads everywhere again. I wouldn't expect things to change here at all.
  12. MordyT

    MordyT Grand Master

    Of this should be fun. Subscribed. Jerry, jerry, jerry....

    *Via my HTC EvO 4G*
    2 people like this.
  13. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    i barely notice the ads, dont think thats the reason why its quiet, some forums just go through a quiet stage every now and again
  14. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Conspiracy of the week #2: Also false.

    Sorry, you're wrong. There's no simpler way to say that. The ads have absolutely nothing to do with the level of activity on the site.
  15. Imperial

    Imperial Adept

    Least AA has consistent ads. Adsense will spam anything on your site, including questionable content or content completely unrelated to your forum or a discussion.
  16. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    Try looking at other communities in the same niche as AA before making such comments, they are all pretty much dead compared to what they used to be, I havent a clue as to why myself but I really doubt having Google ads would make a community die out.

    As for myself I dont frequent any of them as much as I used to at one point as I dont have the time to be on them daily and its probably the same for many others.
  17. southernlady

    southernlady Regular Member

    While I don't care for the ads, they don't annoy me...well, one does, the one between the first post and the rest of the replies. And while ads can be annoying, at least they are tasteful.
  18. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member

    AA is slowly dying. :(
  19. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    It seems most admin type forums are in some way or another, maybe not dieing but a lack of activity on all of them is apparent.
  20. Brandon

    Brandon Regular Member

    I don't even see the ads, thx to a firefox addon and my av, it blocks 99.9999% of all the banners ads on the net.
    Makes browsing so much quicker and less annoying. :D

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