
Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Nick, May 28, 2009.

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  1. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    Hi, I'm in this thread.
  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Hey Tyler, welcome to one of the many hi-jacked threads here on AA. :welcome:
  3. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I think we will become notorious for that. It can be our thing, though - something that makes us different. Many hi-jacked threads, but no one minds it, and the real discussion is still right there with it.
  4. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    That's a good point - we'll be the "cool kids on the block".
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    It has been going so darn slow all morning. :cry:
  6. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    It's been like that for me too. :headbang:
  7. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    It's rather frustrating, isn't it?
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Yes, it's painful. My Linnie forum was having speed issues a few weeks ago so my host moved me to a clustered server and it's like lightning now - it's faster than I thought it ever would be.

    I just wish we could move this site to our beast of a dedicated.
  9. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Soon... soon!
  10. Richard

    Richard Novice

    Needs to happen soon lol...painfully slow. :P
  11. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Just bear (bare? bear?) with us and you'll be glad you did in the end. :D
  12. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    It's loading quite quickly for me at the moment, actually - apparently the server we are located on has never heard of the word "consistent".
  13. Dan Hutter

    Dan Hutter aka Big Dan

    It's fairly fast around 3-4am which is surprising as most servers run their crons, thus eating up processor time, in the middle of the night.
  14. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Not too slow at the moment, but I have experienced faster performance.
  15. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Bare with us. We're closing in on taking care of the road block - which is excruciatingly minor.
  16. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Very minor indeed - yet it's a make-it or break-it part of the whole ordeal. Without it, we can do nothing - with it, we can do everything! :p
  17. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator
  18. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Slow enough.
  19. Bundy

    Bundy Admin Talk Staff

    I want to poke my eye balls out right now. :waiting:
  20. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I think we all do. Ugh
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