Slick Gamers Review

Discussion in 'Community Showcase' started by cqinzx, Jun 7, 2009.

  1. cqinzx

    cqinzx Newcomer

    Forum URL: Slick Gamers - The Ultimate Gamers Forum - Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii - Movies, Video Games and more

    Forum Name: Slick Gamers

    Launch Date: Site launch in Dec 08, but forum opened about a month or two ago

    Posts/Threads/Members: 689/151/63(as of 6/6/09)

    Forum Software: JoomlaMe Agora 3.0 Rev3(Joomla)

    Description: We hold discussions about gaming.

    Other Info/Points of Interest: Nope. Thanks!

    BTW: I'm having technical difficulties with IE. Can you guys check if the site works fine in IE. Thanks again.
  2. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    First Impression:
    Clean! Looks very clean and organized. Though I was kind of let down by not seeing much 'gaming' graphics. Though I must say I like the logo, some color could have been awesome. Though my first impression of the forum quite differ.

    Forum Content
    Quantity of Forums: I think you have an okay quantity. Not too much, but not too little. Just enough to discuss about gaming and to have fun aside.

    Content: Lol, you have some funny stuff!Do you have any news made by your own?, besides the videos I saw. I am a gamer myself and I personally enjoyed the Nintendo area of the forum. I was quite surprised people posted more on Nintendo than Microsoft and Multi-platform, on your main site you don't have a lot of Nintendo news. The quality of the posts is not a lot, usually one to two sentences. If I was talking about a game more enthisiasticly I would elaborate more on reasoning about the game, no? Specially when people who visit site like these want to know news on latest games and such. It was sort of hard navigating through the forums if you've never worked with it before. I got lost.

    Forum Look
    Oki~ Here is were I go! I have quite few problems with how these forum look.

    Favicon: Looking good! Though on dark browsers like mine it's barely visible.

    On, Off, Locked Icons:
    I like it! I haven't seen the rest, which I hope they're not the same, but what I can see on guest view, I like.

    Forum Design: Please refer to screenshots when you read this. The navigation bar that says "Index, Topic View, Users and Search" is basically invisible! and if not, I find it quite dificult to read. Also the .thead of the forum, "Slick Section, Gaming lounge...", contrasts WAY too much with the forum colors.I do not get the point if the blue being there, the hovering gray makes it look wierd in my opinion. Also at the bottom, where it says the most active users, that looks pretty messy. The forum does not invite me to join, it actually just makes me want to browse around and then, "Next forum Please!" I would have loved to see more gaming graphics.

    By the way, I think the logo is too plain, but it doesn't look bad.


    Overall Opinion: The site and forum look alright. I may suggest more content, opinions, reviews on some games rather than just reading the article another site posted. As I said on the forum, those little design faults makes it hard to navigate, I got lost for a bit for not being able to read well the navigation. I'd say make your post have more quality on the forums and try to exhort people to join your forum.

    Checked on IE also, the forum look ok, though it doesn't have the round corners and the bottom part where it says "Board Info" it looks out of place. It also brought me an error saying "Out of Memory Line 1". I think it was my browser anyways.

    Hope this helps a bit.
  3. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Wonderful review, FMB. :thumbup:
  4. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    That's what I'm talking about, FMB! ;)
  5. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Thank you~
  6. cqinzx

    cqinzx Newcomer

    Thanks FMB, it really helped out a lot. May I ask which version of IE did you use?
  7. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    IE8 and IE7.
  8. cqinzx

    cqinzx Newcomer

    Thats odd. There are some people who uses the same versions and it would say the site would abort the site. What OS are you using? XP, Vista, mac?
  9. FullMetalBabe

    FullMetalBabe Zealot

    Windows Vista Home Premium.

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