Looks like IE6 is but gone. Usage is down to less than 1%. That's good new for designers. No more will you get the "your skin doesn't work in IE6" threads although IE 7 isn't much better and even IE 8 has some quirks while rendering pages. Anyway grab a beverage of your choice and raise a glass to the death of IE6.
Hehe, I long ago abandoned IE anything.It made my forum look bad.With a lot of red X's on the board.That vanished when I went to Firefox. I now use Firefox all the time.
I don't use it either. I prefer Opera. However as a community owner we have to make sure that people that do use IE have the same experience as someone who doesn't use it. IE still is the most widely used browser and if they can't view your site correctly then you lose members and traffic.
I always ahted Internet Explorer, things always looked different than on other browsers when I was doing stuff for it, even IE9 it's a pain in the ass for designers.