This List is long and I will be editing it as I add to it. To learn more about hand coding (which is the best way) go to any of these web sites: Tutorials for html/xhtml: W3Schools HTML Goodies - Home Page Writing HTML Lissa Explains it All 100 Do's and Don'ts in Web Design The .NET Knowledge Base How to write HTML html tutorial - free html tutorial - html and tutorial - basic html tutorial HTML Guides HTML Tutorials HTML Help - Web Developers Network The IT Industry Portal Virtually Ignorant Web tutorials-- HTML tutorials, MouseOver tutorial Plug-in FAQ XHTML media type test - results WebpageWorkshop Specific Tutorials: Frames Tutorial (this is a frames tutorial) Bring on the tables 456 Berea Street (tables tutorial) css Zen Garden The Beauty in CSS Design ASP.NET April A1 JavaScript(TM) Resources - Tools Scripts for WebMasters - Java, JavaScript, and Perl JavaScript Kit JavaScript Search Javascripts by Free javascripts, tutorials, examples, and resources. FlamingText Free online tool for generating custom webpage graphics and animations. The nets largest PHP, CGI, Perl, JavaScript and ASP script collection (for almost any code) The PHP Resource Index This is a very good site for almost anything about web and web devlopement, including the free classes: XHTML 101 - Free HTML Course Cascading Style Sheets 101 This one offers free online classes. Buttons and Fonts free original graphics, fonts, animated gifs buttons Digit Mania Free fonts download - Acid Fonts IconBAZAAR Leo's Icon Archive - 10,000+ free icons Colors and Mixers ColorMaker Colour Selector Page Convert From RGB to Hex on a Windows Computer Decimal RGB to Hex RBG Value Conversion Utility Webmonkey Reference Color Codes Article on color choices: Seeing Red Two EXCELLENT programs to download for color are Pixie and colorbox: Pixie (one of the two I can't live without) Colorbox (this is the other one) There are many HTML editor programs out there, paid and free..some are better than others. One comes with every version of windows on the market. It's called Notepad. But that means you have to do it the HARD way, or the easy depending on your point of view. It DOES mean you do have to learn to write code and not depend on the computer to do it for you. And you CAN make mistakes. The beauty of writing your own code is that once it is up, it is YOURS, not someone elses creation. So here goes the list of what I know is out there so far and I know others will add to the list: Free editors: NVU Alleycode WebTide Free Text Editor CoffeeCup - HTML Editor WebDwarf FreeSerifSoftware HTML-Kit MAX's HTML Beauty++ 2004 Homepage of Crimson Editor EditPad lite Metapad Araneae First Page 2006 Of those, I use Notepad, which is build into the computer, 1st Page 2000 (Hardcore version), MPSOFTWARE (PHP Designer 2005). I know there are others here on the forum who write their own code, what do you use? Paid Editors: Namo WebEditor6 Microsoft FrontPage Dreamweaver MX 2004 Adobe GoLive UltraEdit MPSOFTWARE - Designed for you I've been collecting for some time now. Liz There is another text editor that is, according to it's users, better than notepad. Metapad I just came across another one: Araneae in my wanderings around Nonags. I was actually looking at something to add to here in the way of a photo album. A modification if you that is free not paid. And found this: Web Album Generator which may or may not work. Liz Original post by Liz.
This one has been discontinued. It has been incorporated into the PHP DESIGNER 2006 as one entire suite. Liz
I love Alleycode for coding. You can hand code completely, but it also has little buttons to help produce tables, add tags etc. Sometimes they are handy for speed, or help me remember how a piece of code goes. It also add colour to the codes, which makes it easier to see the various parts. NVU has a handy section for tidying up messy code, but other than that I haven't been able to settle with it. I may be using it wrong, but it seemed to be making alot more code than was needed.
Came across some more: Tutorials HTML Made Really Easy The Complete CSS tutorial by The Web Design Resource Tizag Tutorials Photoshop Tutorials and Flash Tutorials How To Build a Basic CSS Layout Max Design - Sample CSS Page Layouts Liquid CSS Layouts - Design Alternative to Table Based Websites Mandarin Design. Web and Blog Design and Development Advanced CSS Layouts: Step by Step - Website Tools Keyword Selector Tool | Free Stock Photos & Free Images | Share and download Color Blender Color Schemer - Online Color Scheme Generator Color Schemer | Free screen color picker from Color Schemer TomaWeb - FREE Website Gif Button Generator Spinwave GIFCruncher -! Free Online GIF Tools FavIcon from Pics -- how to create a favicon.ico for your website Dynamic Drive- FavIcon Generator Test your web design in different browsers - Browsershots - Browsershots Free Banner Maker - Builder Instant Banner Creation and Monitoring The Banner Generator QuickBanner - Online flash banner maker and animated banner design Design215 Whitespace Remover - Remove extra spaces and tabs Breadcrumb PHP Class v. 2.4.2 Free Contact Form Scripts - Business Resources - Add Search to your Site - Business Resources - Meta Tag Generator Scripts & Programs: Free GIMP - The GNU Image Manipulation Program HTML Kit for more than editing HTML Enersoft GmbH - SiteGenWiz Liz
Very nice list! Also, anything you can do in can do in Visual Web Developer for free: This is a serious program that will build a serious site! Visually design your Web Applications & Databases * Build your first dynamic, data-driven Web site. * Design your databases and queries visually using a drag-and-drop data designer. * Use time-saving wizards to easily connect to your data. * Connect user interfaces to data using "drag and drop" instead of having to write code. * Create data-enabled applications using SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. * Display your data with sophisticated reports with tables, charts, and graphics. * Provides everything you need to begin building Web applications out of the box. * Create great looking and easy-to-use Web applications using an intuitive, WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop user interface designer. * Take advantage of more than 60 new reusable controls and hundreds of reusable code snippets to reduce the time needed to create engaging, interactive Web applications. * Use Master Pages to manage a consistent site layout in one place. * Let IntelliSense give you fast access to methods and libraries for use within your applications. * Common Tasks and Smart Tags place commonly accessed Web building functionality one click away.