I would like to see: 1. a New Topic button at the top of the thread after you post a topic, as vb2 had before. 2. after writing out the message, ONE TAB will bring you to Submit New Thread (as vb2 had before). Currently, you need to tab twice, once to Post Icons, then to Submit New Thread. From what I've seen, not many people use post icons, and if they do, they can certainly choose one with their mouse button as it's easier than tabbing and then pressing left and right many many times to get to what you want to get to.
New Topic Button? I'll consider it... As for the tab thing, still takes 2 functions (tab once and enter) to submit a reply.. Why not just hit alt-s at any time? Boom, reply submitted.
1. a New Topic button at the top of the thread after you post a topic, as vb2 had before. That was removed by default by vBulletin because they felt that too many "noobs" were clicking "Post Reply" to start a new thread rather than "New Thread" so they removed it to save any confusion. Just a FYI