Site Slowness

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Alien, Jun 15, 2004.

  1. Alien

    Alien Regular Member


    This website is experiencing some unusual slowness issues. While it loads in 1-2 seconds for me normally on broadband, it has gotten immensely worse in the past few days and we're investigating the cause of this and have some leads...

    Thanks for hanging in there, everyone...
  2. imported_Chris

    imported_Chris Regular Member

    Just as I start to visit again it goes slow. Pffft ;). It's running pretty smoothly for me and I'm on 56k.
  3. Tigress

    Tigress Regular Member

    Thanks for the update. It has been loading pretty slowly for me, so it's nice to know it's being investigated. :)
  4. moonsee

    moonsee Regular Member

    what seems really weird about this is that the other sites hosted on the same server don't appear to be having the slowness issues.... strange
  5. Tigress

    Tigress Regular Member

    FYI -- the site is running much faster for me this morning.
  6. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Still running pretty crappy for me this morning but still looking into it... It has intermittent pauses occurring while rending a page or images... I may try a reboot or a few other things, but can't imagine why it's going on if the other sites are fine.. Hmm.
  7. Diesel

    Diesel Regular Member

    Wouldn't resolve at all for me this morning.
    I've been having problems with my connection lately, but other sites were resolving at the time.
  8. Tigress

    Tigress Regular Member

    Yeah, I wound up havin' problems again later in the day. Almost like peak times are the worst, which doesn't make sense if other sites on the server aren't affected, so who knows.
  9. Nuphoria

    Nuphoria Regular Member

    I got a solution... move to the UK where the peak times are different, and it's just fine!

    Y'all are welcome here for a cuppa anytime :)
  10. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Speed = fixed.

    Alien takes vacation

    Actually I will be taking a vacation later this week for a few days, go me. :)
  11. Slaine

    Slaine Regular Member

    Site loads nice and fast for me :)
  12. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

  13. Justin Case

    Justin Case Regular Member

    Have you ever considered the fact that the forum index page takes up a total of 273887 bytes i.e. 267.47 kilobytes? That is way too much and you should do something about it immediately. Not to mention that the Alien Soup main index page has a size of 301172 bytes i.e. 294.14 kilobytes... the reports from WebSiteOptimization are attached. There is, for instance, an 8069 bytes (7.88 kB) large CSS part in the source. If it would be put to an external .css file and included on the page instead, it would be cached after the first load and hence you save a 7.88 kB load per page after the first load.

    You need to change the extension of the attached files to .html as the forum doesn't accept HTML files.

    Attached Files:

  14. suddz

    suddz Regular Member

    Try going on Howard Sterns messgae board, thats slow. :dance:
  15. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Hey thanks for the report, we appreciate your concern. While this board has always been on the bleeding edge as far as speed requirements we're working to decrease things on the site that really aren't needed at all... We're all in store for a bit of a trimdown...

    When I'll be able to do some more tweaking I'm not sure, but it's on our agenda...
  16. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Whoops, we also noticed we hadn't turned compression back on after we were troubleshooting something..

    Shaved a bunch of time off on my end, but still a bit to go. ;)
  17. suddz

    suddz Regular Member

    I help out a little on Kingmegasite, it just seems theres to many forums here, just an opinion.
  18. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Might want to tell the admin to take some of this guys pointers as well. ;)

    Holy crap.

    His main header picture is 1 single 75k image, and the banner below it is a 324k animated gif!

    I thought we were bad. ;) Also within the photo gallery, there is absolutely no method of returning back to the main site. The main header image ought to link back at the very least. Not to mention animated header graphics are extremely tiring to the eyes after the first visit. My eyes are wigging out! :lol:

    I also noticed that his server is EXTREMELY slow (on a 10mbps connection even!), worse than we've ever had it.. Like it's strangled, are you getting a slowness issue there as well?
  19. Justin Case

    Justin Case Regular Member

    Might be, but it doesn't make this site load any faster.
  20. suddz

    suddz Regular Member

    Yeah, the photo gallery might get fixed, no, don't notice any slowness, the dude who runs it is an engineer, pretty smart dude. I'll let him know your thought bro. :nod:

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