Simple Userbar.

Discussion in 'Skinning, Design and Graphics' started by Rankin, May 7, 2011.

  1. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    What do you guys think of this simple userbar I made for a friend?

  2. PixelPirate

    PixelPirate Regular Member

    Kind of big for a userbar, but its not bad. Good job!!1!
  3. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    Yeah I know :/, it's an enlarged userbar then :P. And thanks for the feedback!
  4. Trealix

    Trealix Gamer

    Good, I love it but its too big.
  5. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    Thanks, so it would look better if it was smaller? I never expected it to be so big when I was making it, but I didn't want to mess around with it after I was done.
  6. Kaiser

    Kaiser Regular Member

    Yea its a little to big and the width is a little to small for a user bar as they are most of the time long in length. Looks like an enlarged Group Rank.. it looks good though.
  7. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    Thanks Kaiser. I appreciate all this feedback :). I could have sorted it but I didn't want to ruin it by resizing it all.
    Kaiser likes this.
  8. Ahajir

    Ahajir Regular Member

    Like the others said the size is the only issue.

    I think that I would only use a bit more clear letters.
    Those seem to pixelate on certain parts, but I don't know if that's because of the size or the font.
  9. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    It's the font. It is supposed to be pixelated but it would be less noticable if it was smaller. Thanks for the feedback though.
  10. Ahajir

    Ahajir Regular Member

    No problem always happy to give a constructive criticism to a fellow designer. :D
  11. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    Looks good, although like others have said, it's slightly too big for the userbar size
  12. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    Yeah, thanks for the feedback. Next time it will be smaller if I make a similar thing.
    Ashley.S. likes this.
  13. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    This is usually the ideal size for a userbar:
  14. Rankin

    Rankin Regular Member

    I actually think I was aiming towards a rank badge, although its still too big to be one.
  15. SpacewardAsh

    SpacewardAsh Lurking From Space

    cut the size of the image in half, and then it would make a good rank badge :thumbsup:
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