
Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by Ryan Ashbrook, Jan 3, 2012.

  1. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    Mine's a little small... but I can't find anywhere in My Settings to edit it... guessing you disabled that ability for Members?

    Either way... if you can grant us that permission, or edit mine so it's at least normal size / removed (if that is your desire), that'd be fantastic. :)

    Oh, also, if you edit it, make sure you change the link to my blog to Thanks. :P

    Again, looking good, Bob!
  2. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Ryan you should be able to edit your sig. There is a 5 post minimum and you're way over that. Let me check permissions again to make sure.

    I checked permissions and you should be able to edit your sig. Maybe I uncoverd a bug in the way converted post totals are handled.

    They had usergroups set up the same way I set them up. Members get limited permissions and then after 5 posts they get moved to a new group with full privs. Only problem with the old setup is the way the promotion worked. It was set to days registered or post count so a spammer could register, never post and after 7 days get full privs. Needless to say this moved a lot of spammers into the full group. To combat them making an appearance and spamming the place I put the restrictions on the group after import because I figured anyone that contributed to the community would already have at least 5 posts. You're proof that this might not be true so I might have to remove the post count and let the spam fillters handle things.
  3. Medora

    Medora Regular Member

    May I have access to the edit signature page of my profile?
  4. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    You should be able to. I'll check group permissions again.
  5. Medora

    Medora Regular Member

    I cannot see the option in my profile.
  6. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

  7. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    "[#1024] You are not permitted to modify all or some of your profile information."
  8. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Aha. Found the problem. This affects everyone that is in more than one usergroup. Promotions must have been setup to promote to a group as a secondary group. This doesn't seem to work the same in IPB. It seems the secondary group permissions over rides the primary. At least in your case that is what was happening.

    You should be good to go.
  9. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    That was it, thanks!
  10. Medora

    Medora Regular Member

    Yay for the return of the edit signature page.
  11. AWS

    AWS Administrator Admin Talk Staff

    Took a while to find the problem.
  12. Ramses

    Ramses Regular Member

    Now it's 16.
    "You cannot change your signature until you have 16 more approved posts"
    Could you please delete my sig, I can't, thanks.
  13. TSUFanatic

    TSUFanatic Regular Member


    I have deleted your signature, do you want it to changed to anything?

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