Signature Images

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by Daniel, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Daniel

    Daniel Regular Member

    I've decided to allow signature images on one of my forums, despite my dislike for them. The users have asked for them and I think it'll be a good way to keep users at this particular community. However, I intended to eventually offer signature images as a feature for paid supporters. If I offer it to everyone, I can't do this. So... a few questions:

    What's the standard size for signature images, what size do you use (if you allow them), and what file size/dimensions/animation should I allow? If I allow them, should I allow a smaller size with the option to become a paid supporter and get a larger signature image option?
  2. Patrick

    Patrick Regular Member

    Personally, I don't like signatures. I think they disrupt the flow of conversation and get out of hand too quickly.

    I'd say 600x200 for your PAID subscribers, and no signatures at all for non-paid subscribers. You'll definately get people subscribing then.
  3. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    While I'm personally not a fan of signature images, I do allow them, simply because a majority of the members on my forums(s) prefer to use them (as opposed to using a static, text-based signature). :)
  4. Disasterpiece

    Disasterpiece Addict

    I wouldn't allow signature pics, even if user ask.
    But that depends on which type of forum you're running on.

    In a fun, game or clanforum signature pics would be okay. but then only a limited size and a maximum of one image.
    I'm admin of a support forum and there, sig pics are not allowed because otherwise the (necessary) clear view gets lost.
  5. Njdeh

    Njdeh Novice

    I dont like signature pics because they throw the balance of the threads off, especially in some weaker forum softwares such as fireboard. but if people put small pics, I think its fine. I always allow text signatures though.

    An example of over doing the pic sigs:
  6. Swastik

    Swastik Newcomer

    I don't dislike signatures/ or images. There are some kind of forums, like graphics/ sports, which do well with signatures. On the other hand, there are others like Webmaster forums, where there is no use of signature and they disrupt the flow.
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    As others have mentioned, it really depends on the forum niche. For support forums or professional/commercial sites, signature images aren't such a good idea.

    But with for-fun forums, friendly communities for small and hobby-like subjects, signature images are pretty good at spicing the community up and allowing members to share a small bit about whatever they want, with the rest of the community.
  8. Boss

    Boss Resident Silly Man

    500 pixels by 120 pixels at 50 kilobytes or less. I like having image sigs no matter what type of forum it is. It brings some fun into an otherwise "dry" environment.
  9. plazzman

    plazzman Adept

    Can't see why you don't like sigs. They create a sense of community, and really give your artists a belonging.

    Alot of people usually end up making ridiculously big sigs, and thats why it ruins things.

    Personally I think the best possible dimensions for a sig should be about 420X(-)200, a nice short rectangle.

    You never know what some artists can make, and if done right, they actually make your forum look even better.

    On my forum, only Premiums get to have sigs. And we have alot of prems. Some get a membership just to rock a sig.

    Forums without sigs (depending on niche) look sort of plain and boring. Like an office space.
  10. Tyler

    Tyler The Badministrator

    I have never been to a forum that has disabled signatures completely. I've only seen it require a paid membership or special promotion for being a senior member.

    Edit: Looking back, this really had nothing to do with the original post. :)
  11. kev

    kev Regular Member

    Signature images? Oh brother. At the very least keep them small, real small.

    I have seen some forums that allow what looked like 640X480 images for signatures. Looking through a thread was more like looking through a picture gallery.
  12. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    I would set the maximum width to whatever width you're using for the post, but don't allow them to be very tall.
  13. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    i allow as wide as the forum page is (although i dont think ive ever seen anyone reach the full width). i think 200 is the tallest a signature should go.

    one admin of a forum i was on really used to annoy me as their signature was two large images on top of eachother, it took up too much space.

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