Looks like all the doomsdayers (I admit, I've been caught up in it too!) were wrong. Glad to be wrong, personally!
Not really... do you know what they agreed with Internet Brands being kept confidential? How do you know they might not be taking a percentage from sales for instance, you don't know because it's confidential. All you really know from Kier's announcement posted today, is that they both agreed a settlement deal and IB ended things... something we already knew 8 days ago. Bottom line... you'll never know what they agreed with Internet Brands. That's not being "doom and gloom", that's just telling it how it is, you won't honestly know either way from here on in.
Going by what I Kier posted it looks like what I posted before could be the deal. Only thing is it looks like Mike is still on board. Of course if that is fact we'll never know because the transfer of percentage of sales will go on behind the scenes. In any case I look forward to seeing what the future brings. Now I'm off to pay my renewals.
Well it's time for me to eat crow and wash it down with a little humble pie. I see now after reading Kiers announcement and the news at Grace Law that xenforo did indeed win the lawsuit and is still an independent company. The settlement agreement was probably that IB drop the case and in exchange they each pay their own attorneys fees. The reason for confidentiality is so IB could save face. IB know that there would be wild speculation and figure by keeping thing confidential it will allow them to save face. Anyway. Congrats xenforo and I look forward to what the future brings.
eh, it doesnt really matter, but we really have no idea who 'won'. What we know is that XF has survived. Maybe KAM had to pay, maybe not. I have no idea. Its also not important who won, only that XF and KAM survived.
If by anti xf posts you mean I dont believe KAM walks on water, then you got me. Other then that, what anti xf posts are you referring to?
I have to say I'm amazed but happy for KAM; IB have suffered a big blow that's for sure; it's so very sad it's taken 2+ years for IB to prove nothing...time for a big shake up at the top me thinks!
Case in point. Someone on XF just posted this: That is completely untrue. Dismissed with prejudice means the case cannot be refiled. The parties made an agreement, and that included dismissing the cases. It may (or may not) have included a cash transaction as well. i.e. KAM pays IB $ in exchange for dismissal. We dont know, and likely never will know. However, as I see it, regardless of the other terms that may or may not be there, XF won insofar as there still is an XF. The extent of my comments has pretty much been like the above. Its not pro ib or anti xf. I have never expressed my opinion but will now. I am glad there still is an XF. I believe its good for the forum community to have strong competition and strong choices. I dont believe KAM was 100% innocent in all this, but I also dont think IB was either.
And that is really all we need to know. I do not care at all what they do with their earnings. If there will really be a new feature version done partly by Mike (which still has to be proved) this could really get successful again. Perfect!
The reality is that XF needed to win for us miniuns to running forums that do exactly what is said on the tin. Had IB taken out XF then i only feared the worse ...
If IB won (glad they didn't) I'd imagine the competion chipping in to obtain all those lost customers (IPB, vBulletin even) but then again without XF IPB would be the only software in my eyes who will take commercial forums to the next level. Wonder how XF will play against IPB in the future . Just to think this could have all been avoided if IB agreed to let Kier develop v4 of vBulletin from scratch!!!