sending emails

Discussion in 'Managing Your Online Community' started by BananaQueen, Dec 21, 2010.

  1. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    some forums send out emails to update members on what is going on, on the forum.

    do you do this?
    i do it occaisionally, but only when its something really important. i send them out whenever we have a competition or something (which isnt really that often, ive only had two), and i probably will send a merry christmas one in a few days.

    how often can a forum send out emails before they are accused of spamming?
    i dont like it when forums send out too many. i dont need to be reminded every few days of a competition they are running, and i dont really care whether theyve added a new section or made one of their members a mod, or whether they update every month and not much really has happened since their last update. i think the most people can get away with is once every few months, only if its something important.
  2. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    We send our newsletter out each month, its due a facelift and we should probably do something more custom than having it auto generated each month. I believe people will only see it as spam if it is spam, like things they didnt ask for or if theyve chosen to opt out and theyre still receiving them, keeping you "in the know" isnt necessarily spamming.
  3. Severus

    Severus Regular Member

    I send emails only for very very important updates and to wish my members greetings on important festivals like Christmas and things like that!
  4. ShinLi

    ShinLi Newcomer

    I've tried sending mass-email to my members with updates, forum news and the like. It never really worked out though. Me and the staff had a lot of work from it and we didn't really see the results. Next to that our forum is already active enough on a daily basis, we don't really need to update people via e-mail to get them back to the forums.
  5. Keylogged

    Keylogged Addict

    On a very rare occasion, I send out an e-mail. But it has to be something big though.
  6. onlineearner123

    onlineearner123 Regular Member

    i send emails to whenever a contest or something great is held on my forum.........or i send emails when my forum reach any achievement like 1000 members etc

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