Recently I have decided to sell my social network due to wanting to concentrate on other projects. The social network I will be selling is Statuz used to be very active a few years ago and now gets okay traffic. This month it had 1k uniques 9.2K pageviews. Why You Should Buy Lets face it, almost anyone who is a internet entrepreneur is envious of people like Mark Zuckerberg. Facebook has become huge and Zuckerberg's personal wealth is estimated at 28 BILLION dollars. If you can get Statuz very active you have alot of earning potential here. There isn't really any competition on Facebook. Id suggest making deals with online communities to sponser you guys and get groups of people to use Statuz and then they will tell their friends and so on. Statuz is up for sale on Flippa at Good luck! Feel free to message me any questions or add me on Skype at JoshSmith1000.
Facebook has hundreds of millions online. You have 10 users online. Including bots. So Zucks wealth has no connection to the value of your site.
Exactly. One can't help but be suspicious when someone sells something and draws a connection between the value of others assets and their own to imply there is value where there isn't any. Not that I'm interested, but the way you are promoting the sale throws up many red flags to me.
This is clearly a scam. You have also posted this on Admin Extra. For example, why is it listed here as having virtually zero traffic?
How does it make it a scam if I post it on Admin Extra, lol that doesn't matter at all. Never said this was exclusive. Because at the time it didn't have much traffic, December 2013 is not a few years ago. Please dont comment if you have no idea what your talking about, thanks.
Sorry, My intent is not to sabotage your thread but to clarify questions I have on some vague issues you have caused. Hopefully it will encourage you to be more clear and responsive to others without you ignoring them or reacting in an angry manner when others ask questions. As to does it matter? Yes I think it does and obviously the person asking the question thinks it matters or they would not have asked. Does it matter to you to sell your item? I wish you all the best in getting the best price you can for a dead forum. In closing I will not be interested at this time due to your unfriendly attitude and will refrain from asking any further questions regarding what appears to me to be suspicious. All the best,