Searching for Intelligent Life

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by orionpierre, Mar 17, 2001.

  1. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    I wandered over here from SETI via UD & Infopop, been searching for intelligence. You guys seen any around here? I can't even find any when I look in the mirror! .
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  2. victoronehalf

    victoronehalf Regular Member


    no intelligent life here in the soup

    have a soupy time
  3. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup. Some may say that there is intelegence here. Anyway if you need anything Im here be sure to let me know.

    Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd
  4. Chimpi

    Chimpi Regular Member

    Intelligence has betrayed us all!!!
    Welcome to the soup
    Just don't drown. heh

    Kabuto's Reign Will Fall To The Doom

    Come here and be cool like me! And don't forget to register! :)
  5. the_scarier_one

    the_scarier_one Regular Member

    welcome! don't worry, there is some intelligence here i's just been misplaced...

    The Captain: What we've got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week - which is the way he wants it. Well, he gets it. I don't like it any more than you men.
    Later, Luke: What we've got here is a failure to communicate....
  6. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    Ahh, can't swim, lend me some water wings Prox, I'm in Green Soup up to my ears.
  7. meezercat

    meezercat Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup!

    Love will tear us apart....again
  8. jadedskies

    jadedskies Regular Member

    Welcome to the Soup. .
    If you have any questions, feel free to ask me or any of the other moderators.

    One door closed is one door opened
    One more memory fades away
    Such grand dreams we all have chosen
    We lost our innocence along the way
    - Rose Bygrave, "Innocence"

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  9. KNSinatra

    KNSinatra Regular Member

    They *all* lie -- intelligence abounds here at the soup! I hope you find our forums to your's hard to imagine that *not* being possible .


    monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
    KNSinatra: you lie.
    monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

    En fuego, bebe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  10. monsieurjohn

    monsieurjohn Regular Member

    you're in *green* soup up to your ears?!! no no no, that's split pea, not alien soup! quick, get out and towel off.

    alien soup is of a color not found in your spectrum .

    whoa, don't know where that came from... welcome and enjoy!

    monsieurjohn: Professor of Metaphysico-theologico-cosmolo-nigogology

    "Maybe *this* is what 'cooties', the disease that every grade schooler is terrified of, yet knows not the symptoms of which, is!" - KNSinatra at 3:34 AM
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  11. Prox

    Prox Regular Member

    Here are some water wings to get out of that pea soup. Now hurry up and wipe that off and join us here in the alien soup .

    Mother Should I Trust The Government - Pink Floyd
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  12. BRiT

    BRiT Regular Member

    As so many others have said before me, welcome to the soup. Here you will find some rather intelligent and interesting life.

  13. JHowse

    JHowse Regular Member

    Welcome to the soup, fellow cerebrate. Hope that you enjoy your experience here. .

    Does driving a car from Saturn make me an alien?

    That which does not make me barf, makes me stronger - possum37, guru.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  14. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    Thanks for the wings & the towel.

    <wipes green slime off with towel>

    I was just reading the entries by SandraT, now was she proud of being KNS' sister or is a sympathy card in order...if so for which one? KNS or the Rat?
  15. KNSinatra

    KNSinatra Regular Member

    I have a feeling I'm a bit *too* biased on this count...perhaps I'd best leave this determination to others. . .

    monsieurjohn: we have 2 yaks on campus
    KNSinatra: you lie.
    monsieurjohn: no i don't. i don't know what they're doing here, but they're real.

    En fuego, bebe.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  16. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

    And, they're too chicken to commit themselves. Probably good judgment on their part.
  17. Alien

    Alien Regular Member

    Nice to meet ya. .

    Thanks for deciding to register with us.

    I hope your time here is enjoyable. .

    "I'd like an order of fries, a quarter pounder with cheese, I love the light in your eyes, would you go out with me please? I am in love with a McDonald's Girl, she has a smile of innocence so tender and warm, she is an angel in a polyester uniform." - Barenaked Ladies
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 7, 2014
  18. orionpierre

    orionpierre Regular Member

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