I'm curious to see what intergration other communities are going for these days. Horror stories and good times welcome. Here's what I've had and have: postnuke + phpbb + flashchat phpws + gallery2 wordpress+vbulletin+efiction+flashchat sd+smf+*olate downloads joomla+community builder+fireboard sd+vbulletin+*moodle+*scrapbook A couple have obvious bridges that for the most make them play in the same yard. But they don't always work when adding something else. Somethings just don't play well together. The ones with (*) are one's I had to get someone to custom code for me. I'd like to know other combination on who doesn't play and who does. :rofl:
At this point in AdminAddict's life we have vBulletin, WordPress, and a php powered directory. We hope to add more and improve them as we go. They're proven to work great together, so far.
I use Joomla for my content management. With it I have used PHPBB 3, SMF, and Fireboard as its forum component. I have used Coppermine for gallerys before and have came to hate it. Its back end is nice but its front end is crap as hell. I have used Wordpress for blogs in the past. I have tested out (but never used for public sites) gallery2, PHPNuke, Drupal, and a few other major CMS's that cant come to mind right now.
I integrate Primezilla, Joomla!, Fireboard, and Community Builder for Moonlight Fans (www.moonlightfans.com). One site that I' really impressed with is www.dollhouseecho.com. It integrates Joomla! and Wordpress for the news page. The webmaster, Jc made a custom Wordpress theme to match the site's design.
Probably just because its easier to post news articles using Wordpress then it is Joomla. And vise versa where its easier to make a full dynamic site with Joomla then Wordpress.
I see. Seems like a lot of work (and I'm not convinced that it's worth it), but regardless, the webmaster who did it on the Dollhouse site did a great job.
Well, I know he wants members to have their own blogs, so he might not want to give people access to the Joomla backend, so he did wordpress so each could have an individual login.
I hadn't thought about that. So do they each have their own blog, or is everyone able to post on the "community blog?"
i'm using joomla and vbulletin with a bbpixel bridge. must be purchased, but is the only one which works really good. have the system for one year now and works great. no problems with upgrades and other plugins. well, you can't use communitybuilder plugin for joomla b/c the usermanagement is stored in the vB admin CP and joomla can't change userprofiles, but i don't need cb either. wordpress is really bad atm. has very many bugs and exploits. wouldn't recommend it to anyone.
That is a major reason that I do not use vBulletin for my sites. It has a crap ass Joomla integration. I have purchased bbpixel, and although its awesome for most things, but its like kryptonite to CB, which is a main aspect of most of my sites. At this moment, I fell that the most stable forum bridge for Joomla is SMF, although Fireboard is nice, it has one to many bugs for my comfort. Now that Joomla 1.5 has a stable release, PHPBB 3 will likely be the next step on the horizon. One of Joomla's biggest developers, Rocketwerx is creating a bridge for PHPBB 3 - Joomla 1.5. Although at this point it is not stable enough to use, without code changes.
You mean you need CB (=CommunityBuilder) for your site? well, than it's logical, that you wouldn't get happy with vB Bridge ^^ My Community started on a vBulletin first and after one year we decided to add a portal to it and at this time, joomla was the only choice. Later i would have used typo3, because you can make nearly everything with it, but you need very good knowledge of php and this stuff to get it work properbly. and i think you'd have to build your bridge between your forum and typo3 by yourself... I tried smf two times and i must say, that it really isn't a good forum software. i was pretty dissapointed how many bugs and issues i had with it, allthough it has a good integration with joomla.
I really like vBulletin, but the Joomla integration needs some work. SMF is sort of like the kid of the all the forum softwares. Its really basic, not tom many advanced features, and many of its plug-ins are out dated for new versions of the forum software. But for now, it has the best or more stable bridge for Joomla.
I've got a site idea in mind where I will be running a Drupal CMS for the main site, a blog for perhaps, or using the Drupal blog function coupled with either a vB or Invision Power Board based forum.