How can i set up an RSS feed on ALL forums, i know vbulletin has one built in but how do i make it RSS all forums? The reason i need this is because i have the new Wibiya | Homepage toolbar on forums but currently it RSS' the homepage. Thanks
AdminCP > RSS Feeds > Add New RSS Feeds You dont really want too much, they can double or even triple thread. Like post the same thing more that once. You need the exact link to the RSS Feed to set it up. Its pretty easy.
the only way to setup multiple threads is to add more then 1 RSS feed, im not going through every forum and doing that, i want it so ALL threads are RSS'ed
OH sorry, i thought you wanted to setup RSS Feeds on your forum :doh: Here
The default feed automatically includes all forums that guests have access to. Not sure what additional changes you want to make.
If you want to see the feeds for each forum individually, I like this mod. CinVin vB Forum Feed Listing to see everything as others have mentioned, add this to your bburl /external.php?type=RSS2