rival forums

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by BananaQueen, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. BananaQueen

    BananaQueen Grand Master

    it just feels hopeless sometimes, cause they just wont leave us alone, trying to ruin our reputation on other forums we are on, following us from forum to forum, making comments on mutual friends facebook accounts where we can see it.

    they post on another forum we both go on, and they are really annoying, spamming and starting arguments but still, other members of the forum like them and become their friends. somehow they cant see the sly digs made at us, their cliquey little chat thread and the other spammy threads they create always gets more replies than my threads, and its annoying!!!

    nobody else but me sees how nasty they are, and theyre turning members of other forums we advertise on against us!!!

    and now one of our ex staff members (she stepped down from the position because of other comittments she had in real life, and i took over as admin) has become a friend to the admin of the rival, no good can come of this, cause i know what shes doing, trying to turn us against eachother!!! you can tell in her posts that shes going to try, already caused tension between a few of our members!!!

    shes an awful person, she was the admin on our first forum, and then deleted most of the members, and threads and left us with nothing-after a misunderstanding over a post made by the other admin-the other admin on my forum, and pretended it was hacked and that she was worried, while advertising the new forum she made the night before, getting all her side in the argument between the two admin to join her forum.

    she emotionally blackmails people on other forums, making us look bad and making up lies about herself, to make herself look like the victim! we never did anything to them, they started it all! its just nobody sees that!!!
  2. 2dub

    2dub Regular Member

    Luckily my competition completely ignores me which allows me to continue to grow.
  3. Dan

    Dan Future Proof

    Hmmmm. We've had moderators a couple of times start their own forums for their own reasons and we get slated quite a bit on a few of them. Though fortunately we're much more established and I tend to just ignore what they're saying and get on with it.

    Look at it like this: you can't do anything on their forums to stop it or make your forum look better. Though on your own forum you can stop it, and you can get your forum looking better. So concentrate on your own forum and keep your head held high. Don't warm to their banter, hopefully eventually people will see right through it, they usually do.

    I'd block the messages from them on facebook, they may still say stuff, but it'll not be under your nose. I'd create some proper threads on your own forum, and not just random chat ones. I'd forget about the bad she did some time ago and move forward. So don't worry about the members she erased or whatever, your time should now be spent on your current members and your forum with the status it has now. Etc.

    I hope it all works out for you Miss Narna, I'm sure it will. :)
  4. Ryan Ashbrook

    Ryan Ashbrook Regular Member

    This is the one glorious thing that comes with my niche. There are so many of us, we don't have time too try and ruin the reputation of others.

    If we have a problem with another forum, someone will go over to the other forum and resolve. And, probably, join them as an active member in addition to being an active member on our site as well.

    Prime example: http://www.ffcrystalcosmo.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1579

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