. Revillution is an entertainment website that offers a variety of topics on our discussion boards. We cover all there is to cover from general discussion to computers & tech to gaming & movies. We have it all! Our site focuses on gaming and tech news and reviews, our forums offer a variety of different topics. There is truly something for everyone no matter what age you are. We offer features at Revillution you won't find anywhere else. Our Premium/VIP program offers paying users tons of extra features that enhances their overall experience at our site for a very low monthly or yearly fee. Our growing community is friendly and work-safe. We do have an 18+ section but it is blocked off unless you join the appropriate usergroup and even then it is very easy to hide for the workplace and other public computers. We do not support any warez or anything like that, that being said, we are very lax with rules, we expect users to follow them but you won't get banned on the spot. We are very lenient. Please come check us out and we hope you like what you see and enjoy your stay. Main Site | Forums | Join us today!
Nice looking forum One suggestion that I see would be to blend your ads a little better. I'd match the background color to the background of your forum so they don't stand out so much.
We are working on a couple of new features we plan to role out for VIP members very shortly! Not a VIP member yet? you may want to check out what features we offer and see if you'd like to set up a yearly subscription! It's cheap! act now and get 2 years for just $20! That's nearly 50% off the normal price!!
Revillution will be starting a (bi?) weekly podcast in a few short weeks! Stay tuned! We will keep you updated as we figure out more info on this.
Podcast has been postponed to a later time. Sorry for the inconvenience everyone! However, we are working on a few other things around Revillution which we will be revealing shortly!!
*bump* We've since moved to Xenforo. We're hoping the best for the lawsuit and the future of the product. Come check out what's new and I hope you enjoy the changes we're currently making to the forums!