Reviewers Wanted

Discussion in 'Admin Talk News' started by Nick, Jan 9, 2010.

  1. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Hello Addicts!

    As we all know, our review team has done an excellent job reviewing all of the communities that are added to our review queue, but they're raking up pretty quick so we need two additional reviewers to help process the queue.

    Reviews are to be in-depth and very insightful, allowing the "reviewee" to get a full understanding of an outside member's opinion.

    You can check out several of the threads with the "Reviewed Prefix" and any of the official reviews are examples of what we are looking for.

    If you think you are qualified for the position, please just create a thread in the Contact the Staff forum, explaining why you want the position, and why you feel you are a good candidate.

  2. fattony69

    fattony69 Regular Member

    I submitted my application!
  3. MrThomas

    MrThomas Addict


    Not my sorta thing though, writing. Good luck to all though!
  4. tldagent

    tldagent Novice

    Hey Nick! So I did my first review. Not sure if it's a great review or not but it was my review so hope it's adequate. So, I in the line of reviews, I'd like to offer a suggestion.

    In the private forums you linked me to websites needing reviews. Since then, unless I go back to that thread, I've found it difficult to find the reviews. Recently, I discovered that if I clicked on the Community Advertising & Reviews forum, it links me to that page and reviews are sorted by thread prefix. The difficulty I had with it is I didn't scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to see the 'search by thread prefix' stuff. So basically, as long as I've been on this forum I didn't realize that was the way I had to navigate to getting the correct information. IMHO, this information should be on top. That's where I naturally navigate. Doesn't need to take up much space either. I'd have done more reviews if it were easier to find.

    So, as a sort of review, it's my suggestion that you make available a link, 'Call to Action' on the front page of this website and/or up in the navbar, a link for us to access immediately, sites that need reviews. I think if it's easier to access for members, it would be much worth the increase in reviews.

    Before you going doing that, and because I've taken a good look as using thread prefixes to sort posts, (SEO) etc. etc., I believe it's only right in some certain cases. Like a religion forum with thread prefixes of different colors and different religions. However, if it's not VERY apparent that I can search that method, creating a category and forums beneath it would be easier to find and respond to.

    So if it were me... I'd have a category called Community and beneath it have Commnity of the Month, Reviews, Showcase, Advertising and whatever else would go there. Then in the reviews forum, have thread prefixes of 'Needs Review", "Reviewed", or whatever else while having a one button way of sorting by thread prefix.

    Well, those are just some suggestions. This site and it's logo and the look and feel is very, very clean, simple and a pleasure to look at. The advertising isn't in the way or 'too much'.

    Great site you have here and hope to be able to contribute more in the future.

    For websites needing reviews, please visit the following link:

    Websites that Need Community Reviews
    Reviews above sorted by 'Needed' and Least Replies
  5. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    I prefer this link, because it sorts the threads in descending chronological order. The oldest threads are at the bottom, and that's where reviews should start - because we review on a first-come first-serve basis.
  6. tldagent

    tldagent Novice

    That's fine. Either link works but that was not the point of my post.

    The point was that reviews are a call to the community to act, write a review. However, finding where we can act and actually review was difficult for me and I've been on forums for many years. So if it was difficult for me to find it, I'm sure it's even more difficult for other less web savvy to find it. There's no quick link that I can find on the front page for a call to this action. I would imagine a separate tab or a button on the front page linking to reviews.

    Anyway, just offering my two cents on it. The amount of steps necessary to get from the front page of the website, into reviewing someones site is quite a few more than it could be. That's all.
  7. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    Did you know that you can click the prefix in the Review forum, and it will list all threads with that prefix? It's only one extra click...

    1 - Enter the Reviews forum
    2 - Click the green "[Review]" prefix
    3 - Voila - you have a list of all forums that need to be reviewed.

  8. MjrNuT

    MjrNuT Grand Master

    Wow, quite a bit of sites back logged for getting reviews. I hope they can get attended to before any big changes are done for that area. Seems to have worked before, just has slowed down.

    Thanks to those that have picked up the effort! Always good to get some elaborate feedback.
  9. Nick

    Nick Regular Member


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