Site Name: Writers Club Site URL: http// Review Type: Full Forum Review Forum, Blog or website? Forum Reviewer's Account (Optional): Notes: This forum has only been going for under 3 months i know the URL does not go with the forum name but i will be getting a new one in the new year
I would say it looks great, and very elegant. I like the theme, it is very welcoming. Please dont change themes again, you have a different theme each time I visit
That is down to some of the members where not happy with them so i had to change them and now everyone so far is happy. lol lol
only thing I would say is create a table for your affiliates on the bottom as it ruins the calm nature of the skin with a marque, and it doesn't look the best if you have adds when on the bottom of the site it says hosted for free by ****
Agreed. Like the color combination on the theme and the logo is nice as well and not overly distracting....good job.
The scrolling marque is no longer there and the Affiliate page is has been updated some time to day -- Merged Posts -- Thanks Mr Joker and Azrael for your comments