Reputation system

Discussion in 'Admin Talk Support & Feedback' started by imported_Michelle, Oct 19, 2010.

  1. imported_Michelle

    imported_Michelle Regular Member

    We have activated the reputation system for all users.

    To add or subtract to a members, click on the scales & it will give you the options.

    You can view your own reputation by going to your userCP & others people's by hovering over the green square in posts.

    Have fun but play nice :D
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Glad this site is getting set up so quickly.
  3. Richie

    Richie Regular Member

    Can you enable the option for us to see who gives us rep? If it isn't too much bother that is.
  4. imported_Michelle

    imported_Michelle Regular Member

    You should be able to see that from your userCP

    I'll give you some for you to check it out.

    Oh & if you have any great tag lines for levels let us know!
  5. Richie

    Richie Regular Member

    Nope, I only got your comment, "Testing". There was no name with the rep.
  6. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    I love Rep system! Don't get rid of it or I might cry :(
  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    0-100 Just some passerby
    101-150 Frisked at the front door
    151-300 A name on a table
    301-500 Known by some
    501-750 Has a bar tab
    751-1000 Needs a new keyboard
    1001+ Needs to get a life
  8. imported_Ace

    imported_Ace Regular Member

    New or old member? 10-19-2010 08:53 PM Oh look, some rep.

    Nope, no name telling who gave it.

    Some other Rep info:

    ^^ That's the default.

    *NOTE: After the 6th rep bar, you gain one bar per 200 rep

    IE: 7th bar takes 700 rep
    8th bar takes 900 rep
    9th takes 1100 rep

    This continues until the 11th bar, which is achieved at 1500 GREEN reputation points.
  9. Guest

    Guest Guest

    The same also applies for red rep right?
  10. imported_Ace

    imported_Ace Regular Member

    I'm actually not sure how red rep works here. It might, or it might work like those other forums, where if you give somebody red, it gives half of what you normally would for green.
  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I meant bar system wise.
  12. imported_Ace

    imported_Ace Regular Member

    Oh, yea, pretty much the same way.
  13. imported_Michelle

    imported_Michelle Regular Member

    Yep red means you've been bad, very bad mwhaaaaaaa
  14. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Some of us consider red rep the finest of the fine.
  15. imported_Michelle

    imported_Michelle Regular Member

    Is this your goal :P
  16. imported_Ace

    imported_Ace Regular Member

    I wouldn't be surprised if it was >.>
  17. princezna8

    princezna8 Regular Member

    I hope it is...because I'll feel bad... D:

    I tried to help that goal..
  18. Guest

    Guest Guest

    I have the most back there.

  19. datrue_canadian

    datrue_canadian Regular Member

    I will take care of this now :)

    EDIT: done.
  20. desalvionjr

    desalvionjr Regular Member

    +1 rep!!!!!!!!!

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