Hiya folks. I'm a member from eBaumsworld.com. Recetly we updated our forums and now we use the rep system. Being new to this I was wondering if any of you could tell me some things about reptutation. Can the Avatar picture be activated on certain members by the Admin. What benifits do YOU guys have with the rep system. and any other info you might know about them. Again thank you very much for your time and info. Btw, your site kicks.....very nice setup.
Currently, we don't actually base any priviledges or access off of the reputation system. It's simply used as a feedback system so members can let other members know if they approve or disapprove of specific posts. It's not being used as a reward system, which seems to be how you're hoping to use it. As for the avatar, any member can have a stock avatar, but I believe you have to have a certain number of posts before you're allowed to use a custom avatar, unless Alien has changed that code.
I think I was able to upload my Avatar from day one, but seeing as how I have a terrible memory, I could be wrong. :embarass: