Remembering Nine-Eleven

Discussion in 'Water Cooler' started by Tom, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. Tom

    Tom Regular Member

    Remembering 9/11...

    8 years ago from today, our two World Trade Centers went down. Here in New York, a remembrance ceremony is being held where the Twin Towers once stood.

    Please take time to remember this day and the families that loss loved ones. :(
  2. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    Moved to "Miscellaneous Discussion".
  3. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

  4. David

    David Regular Member

    Can we save this type of debate for other threads. Whether it was a cover up or not, isn't the purpose of this thread or any other moment of silence. The fact is REAL people lost their lives that day. Have some respect and class for those people who did lose their lives and keep garbage out of stuff like this.

    People who throw the government conspiracy argument out during this time are classless bottom feeding scum bags that add no credibility to their argument either for or against.
  5. Ryan

    Ryan Regular Member

    Fed up with these threads... everyone forum I go on has one of these.

    It's in the past. So leave it there.
  6. Chris

    Chris Regular Member

    We're not going to discuss the various theories and propaganda that people have chosen to believe in. This thread was created with the intention of paying respect to those who tragically lost their lives due to these events. Please, let's keep it on track.
  7. Bryce

    Bryce Regular Member

    Never said I didn't feel any less of those who lost their lives that day. It was a horrible experience for those people.
  8. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    * In this thread, that is.

    Just thought I'd clarify. ;)

    Anyways, yes, the least we can do is take a moment to remember those who lost their lives, and honor those who risked theirs to save others.
  9. OneUpDave

    OneUpDave Guest

    Never Forget, The Ones Who Were Lost. Never Forget, The Ones Who Gave Selflessly. Never Forget, The Brave Passengers Who Diverted Those Who Meant Harm. Never Forget, America Is Strong, Despite What Happens. Take A Moment To Cherish Your Lives, Your J...ob, Your Loved Ones. Attend A Memorial, Say A Prayer. But Above All, Never Forget.

    Posted on my Facebook today.

    Then don't read or post in them. Honestly, 2,000+ people lost their lives, and people want to give their condolences/prayers/what-nots. If you don't want to pay your respects, then don't go near the threads. End of story.

    Bottom line is, that had no business here whatsoever. Completely off-topic.

    People, please don't post in threads like these if it's counter-productive or blatantly offensive.
  10. Michael

    Michael Regular Member

    I can hear fireworks going off right now as if it is supposed to be a celebration...weird.
  11. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Yeah, let's leave MLK Jr's birthday, president's day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, every major holiday in the past while we're at it, ok?
    Sound ridiculous, it is.
    9/11 was a very catastrophic day in the U.S. and deserves to be remembered and celebrated as if it was.

    Celebration is a part of rememberance. Everyone remembers things in their own way, some would choose to forget it, some would choose to celebrate the life of those that lost their lives, some would choose to be somber about it.

    Either way, this day definitely should never be forgotten, at least if you're a U.S. citizen.
  12. Nick

    Nick Regular Member

    It's not about celebrating; it's about remembering, honoring, and creating awareness.
  13. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    Are you sure it's not Guy Fawkes Day over there? :eek:

    I still remember almost everything about that day.

    I got home from work at about 6:30am and watched TV for a while. Then I decided to do my college homework after a bit, and I turned my TV off.

    When I was done with my homework, I turned the TV back on and Manhattan was burning!!! I recognized it even with the towers gone (but at the same time didn't make the connection!).

    I called my brother and that's when I found out that it was most likely Bin Laden.

    The rest of the day I spent in shock.

    The other thing I didn't notice that day I finally did notice in the planes! Well, it was when a military plane flew over that I realized that I hadn't heard any other planes all day.

    It's impossible for me to imagine what it was like for those people who were stuck in the towers before they fell.

    There is another tragedy that happened after 9/11, and that's that the spirit of cooperation around this country disappeared merely weeks after that fateful day.

    We're more divided now than we ever had been before. :(
  14. Soliloquy

    Soliloquy Regular Member

    Bryce, that article is fictitious.
    SEPTEMBER 1, 1939 by W.H. Auden

    I sit in one of the dives
    On Fifty-second Street
    Uncertain and afraid
    As the clever hopes expire
    Of a low dishonest decade:
    Waves of anger and fear
    Circulate over the bright
    And darkened lands of the earth,
    Obsessing our private lives;
    The unmentionable odour of death
    Offends the September night.

    Accurate scholarship can
    Unearth the whole offence
    From Luther until now
    That has driven a culture mad,
    Find what occurred at Linz,
    What huge imago made
    A psychopathic god:
    I and the public know
    What all schoolchildren learn,
    Those to whom evil is done
    Do evil in return.

    Exiled Thucydides knew
    All that a speech can say
    About Democracy,
    And what dictators do,
    The elderly rubbish they talk
    To an apathetic grave;
    Analysed all in his book,
    The enlightenment driven away,
    The habit-forming pain,
    Mismanagement and grief:
    We must suffer them all again.

    Into this neutral air
    Where blind skyscrapers use
    Their full height to proclaim
    The strength of Collective Man,
    Each language pours its vain
    Competitive excuse:
    But who can live for long
    In an euphoric dream;
    Out of the mirror they stare,
    Imperialism's face
    And the international wrong.

    Faces along the bar
    Cling to their average day:
    The lights must never go out,
    The music must always play,
    All the conventions conspire
    To make this fort assume
    The furniture of home;
    Lest we should see where we are,
    Lost in a haunted wood,
    Children afraid of the night
    Who have never been happy or good.

    The windiest militant trash
    Important Persons shout
    Is not so crude as our wish:
    What mad Nijinsky wrote
    About Diaghilev
    Is true of the normal heart;
    For the error bred in the bone
    Of each woman and each man
    Craves what it cannot have,
    Not universal love
    But to be loved alone.

    From the conservative dark
    Into the ethical life
    The dense commuters come,
    Repeating their morning vow;
    'I will be true to the wife,
    I'll concentrate more on my work,'
    And helpless governors wake
    To resume their compulsory game:
    Who can release them now,
    Who can reach the dead,
    Who can speak for the dumb?

    All I have is a voice
    To undo the folded lie,
    The romantic lie in the brain
    Of the sensual man-in-the-street
    And the lie of Authority
    Whose buildings grope the sky:
    There is no such thing as the State
    And no one exists alone;
    Hunger allows no choice
    To the citizen or the police;
    We must love one another or die.

    Defenseless under the night
    Our world in stupor lies;
    Yet, dotted everywhere,
    Ironic points of light
    Flash out wherever the Just
    Exchange their messages:
    May I, composed like them
    Of Eros and of dust,
    Beleaguered by the same
    Negation and despair,
    Show an affirming flame.
  15. twhiting9275

    twhiting9275 Regular Member

    Well, that was inevitable, given our political situation. That's a whole different topic, though.
  16. 3Phase

    3Phase Champion

    Thought about that day several times this day.

    The loss of life was terrible, and how it was lost, and the loss of so many who were there to help and rescue others.

    But there were also many things to be thankful for ... so very many people who did get out of the buildings, both civilians and rescue workers who helped others, the great volunteer effort afterwards. And even the way New Yorkers have shown strength and resilience in the aftermath of the attack on their city. Some people have made something good come out of tragedy, even though nothing makes up for what was lost that day.
  17. Chani

    Chani Grand Master

    yes, it is, and let's leave it at that. ;)

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