Hi all... remember me? I used to be a regular member a while ago... maybe a year or two ago....? So, let me re-introduce msyelf... My name is Nicole, I'm 16 years old, and well, i decided to come back and see what was going on :bgrin:
Welcome! Welcome! :balloon: Together we can scary Prox and ... may be he give us his probe Anyway ... may be it is insane, but be ready for PROXINATOR!
Ok, If You need help, do not hate to ask Alien or somebody else ... not me .. I am too busy quack .... quack .... newly adopted popsickles ... poopsickless .... quack ....
<irish accent>they're always after my splintery probe</irish accent> Welcome back Nicole . . . its good to see you agian
NICOLE!! Hey what's up girl, iz me nap. I saw you on AIM the other day, but you went offline before I messaged you (ChimpiTitan, if you don't know). Welcome back. How are things?